Lockheed 10A drawing

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Jan 4, 2008
This was taken from the journal of the Canadian Aviation Historical Society.
Beautifully drawn by Capt. Douglas E. Anderson while CF-TCC was in restoration.
Woops, looks like the resolution is too high...
Can the moderators resize it down ?
Or I could probably repost a smaller version
OK, second try with resized pics.


  • Lockheed 10 plan-1small.gif
    Lockheed 10 plan-1small.gif
    454.7 KB · Views: 3,022
  • Lockheed 10 plan-2small.gif
    Lockheed 10 plan-2small.gif
    501.4 KB · Views: 3,215
I can't find the way to remove the attachments from my first post :evil:

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