Looking for a track....

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Forum Mascot
Aug 21, 2006
In my castle....
from top gear....

Was watching an episode tonight (an older one), and the song that caught my ear sounded alot like Enya(?) Celtic music....
This was while our beloved Jeremy was driving a Jaguar XK, with some short stints of a Mercedez SLK and a BMW 650....
Anyone having any idea who the artist is???
Haven't seen that program Lucky, but if it's not Enya, it might be Clannad. They've done some music for TV shows, etc, and are the group formed by Enya's cousins in the late 70's. She was with them from about '82-'84 aswell before going solo.
The Corrs might even be a possibility, as they've done instrumental music for a number of causes and programmes.
I like Thorlifter's idea and agree with A4K.Try to find even a short sample of the track.please.

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