[email protected]
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- Oct 10, 2006
P47Pilots.com and (the recently launched) P51pilots.com needs your help to preserve history! We are looking for WWII pilot biographies.
If you're a WWII pilot we want to hear your story! If you're related to or if you know a WWII pilot, we want to hear their story!
Please visit P47 Pilots Association and P51 Mustang Pilots Association to see the work we are doing. If you have a story to tell, please contribute it!
Our websites focus on preserving history from the perspective of the people who lived the experience. True history lives in the personal experiences of the men and women who were there, not in the statistics and figures in history books. It is an unfortunate truth that history and context is being lost from the great WWII era -- every day more of it fades from memories, get tucked away in shoeboxes, and is lost forever as our heroes pass on.
P47Pilots.com and P51Pilots.com is building an extensive archive of pilot biographies, pilot stories, and photographs from the era. Our hope is to preserve this important history online where it can touch and connect generations to come. The electronic format of online archives allow data to easily be accessed and searched by anyone in the world.
A community of people with a special love for the era, pilots, and the aircraft has spawned from this project. We have succeeded in reaching out and connecting friends and families of folks whose lives were touched by P47 and P51 Pilots.
We need your help to make this grow.
War memories, photos, friends, biographies - any information that can help people make connections - share it with us before it's too late. Don't let the personal stories from this amazing era in history slip away.
P47 Thunderbolt Pilots Association
P51 Mustang Pilots Association
If you're a WWII pilot we want to hear your story! If you're related to or if you know a WWII pilot, we want to hear their story!
Please visit P47 Pilots Association and P51 Mustang Pilots Association to see the work we are doing. If you have a story to tell, please contribute it!
Our websites focus on preserving history from the perspective of the people who lived the experience. True history lives in the personal experiences of the men and women who were there, not in the statistics and figures in history books. It is an unfortunate truth that history and context is being lost from the great WWII era -- every day more of it fades from memories, get tucked away in shoeboxes, and is lost forever as our heroes pass on.
P47Pilots.com and P51Pilots.com is building an extensive archive of pilot biographies, pilot stories, and photographs from the era. Our hope is to preserve this important history online where it can touch and connect generations to come. The electronic format of online archives allow data to easily be accessed and searched by anyone in the world.
A community of people with a special love for the era, pilots, and the aircraft has spawned from this project. We have succeeded in reaching out and connecting friends and families of folks whose lives were touched by P47 and P51 Pilots.
We need your help to make this grow.
War memories, photos, friends, biographies - any information that can help people make connections - share it with us before it's too late. Don't let the personal stories from this amazing era in history slip away.
P47 Thunderbolt Pilots Association
P51 Mustang Pilots Association