Senior Airman
I've been naughty, have been away for a bit....
During part of my absence I started to paint SCADS of Bf109G in the small 1/285 scale. I started paintwork on 16 P-47D Razorbacks. EPIC FAIL with the Invasion Stripes so they got stripped, got the basic repaint. Now I am looking at the project again.
EDIT: This is for a miniatures game, some painted hex sheets, altitude stands, etc/ NORMANDY and beyond.
The US player(s) will generally get a Squadron and some mission orders for the day. The US leader will have to figure out how he is going to fly the mission unless he's TOLD what to do by his boss. Altitudes, spacing, timing.... The Germans will get a Staffel though seldom at full strength. While the Germans were almost always outnumbered far worse than this, I believe they'd avoid going after a FG when they could easily find a Sqdn or less to hit. Naturally this is an end state, will have to start smaller. Likely to begin with the US having 1-2 flights with the LW having a Rotte or Schwarm to train up with. The Germans might get a call to stop a ground unit from getting "Jabo" attacks or they may have to go after a raid that is headed to the south or southeast (no clear idea what the target will be).
I know beginning of '44 the P-47s got the M-W injection and paddle blades. This helped performance at all levels, IIRC. I am aware that the Bf109G-6 was the standard, MW50-equipment was common-enough this late in the program and during July the Bf109G-14 entered production with MW50 being standard (other planes will join the fray, doing the primary planes first)
biggest factor is overall the US will have well-trained pilots though most will lack combat experience. The Old Man is likely to have seen previous combat early in the war. The Germans will be a mixed bag, will research a bit. Pretty sure the 30-40 kill Staffel Fuhrer days are over.....10-20 kills more likely. The Flight leaders are probably 5-10 kills, Element leads are likely long serving NCOs, likely with stron kill tallies. Wingmen will be an assortment with Average being the best of the bunch. Some green, some raw....guys you want doing after repair test hops and also used to bring in replacement aircraft. This is nearly taking on a role-playing-game type features. Vision, alertness, morale...
I'll have this covered pretty well
NEXT, and where I need help, looking for comparative Low Altitude performance
TALKING VERY LOW to 7000' or so ft of altitude max (correct me if I am wrong here with my ratings!!!!!)
Speeds: pretty even
Acceleration: slight advantage GUSTAV
Roll: advantage P-47
Turn: advantage GUSTAV
Climb: big advantage Gustav
Zoom: ???? might be pretty close, no big dives at low altitude
Dive: big advantage P-47
Dogfight type flying: advantage Gustav
Firepower: P-47 vs G-6, the P-47 is the clear leader vs G-6 with cannon pods, good advantage to the Gustav
vs the G-6 or G-14 with mk 108 engine cannon, results will depend on first IF any rounds hit, than how many.
P-47 is easier to spot, easier to hit
Gustav is not anywhere as tough as a P-47
(will have special and critical hits so planes can dramatically come apart)
I'll get some pictures up tomorrow, thanks in advance for your help
P-47Ds in basic paint, no fancy stuff yet
During part of my absence I started to paint SCADS of Bf109G in the small 1/285 scale. I started paintwork on 16 P-47D Razorbacks. EPIC FAIL with the Invasion Stripes so they got stripped, got the basic repaint. Now I am looking at the project again.
EDIT: This is for a miniatures game, some painted hex sheets, altitude stands, etc/ NORMANDY and beyond.
The US player(s) will generally get a Squadron and some mission orders for the day. The US leader will have to figure out how he is going to fly the mission unless he's TOLD what to do by his boss. Altitudes, spacing, timing.... The Germans will get a Staffel though seldom at full strength. While the Germans were almost always outnumbered far worse than this, I believe they'd avoid going after a FG when they could easily find a Sqdn or less to hit. Naturally this is an end state, will have to start smaller. Likely to begin with the US having 1-2 flights with the LW having a Rotte or Schwarm to train up with. The Germans might get a call to stop a ground unit from getting "Jabo" attacks or they may have to go after a raid that is headed to the south or southeast (no clear idea what the target will be).
I know beginning of '44 the P-47s got the M-W injection and paddle blades. This helped performance at all levels, IIRC. I am aware that the Bf109G-6 was the standard, MW50-equipment was common-enough this late in the program and during July the Bf109G-14 entered production with MW50 being standard (other planes will join the fray, doing the primary planes first)
biggest factor is overall the US will have well-trained pilots though most will lack combat experience. The Old Man is likely to have seen previous combat early in the war. The Germans will be a mixed bag, will research a bit. Pretty sure the 30-40 kill Staffel Fuhrer days are over.....10-20 kills more likely. The Flight leaders are probably 5-10 kills, Element leads are likely long serving NCOs, likely with stron kill tallies. Wingmen will be an assortment with Average being the best of the bunch. Some green, some raw....guys you want doing after repair test hops and also used to bring in replacement aircraft. This is nearly taking on a role-playing-game type features. Vision, alertness, morale...
I'll have this covered pretty well
NEXT, and where I need help, looking for comparative Low Altitude performance
TALKING VERY LOW to 7000' or so ft of altitude max (correct me if I am wrong here with my ratings!!!!!)
Speeds: pretty even
Acceleration: slight advantage GUSTAV
Roll: advantage P-47
Turn: advantage GUSTAV
Climb: big advantage Gustav
Zoom: ???? might be pretty close, no big dives at low altitude
Dive: big advantage P-47
Dogfight type flying: advantage Gustav
Firepower: P-47 vs G-6, the P-47 is the clear leader vs G-6 with cannon pods, good advantage to the Gustav
vs the G-6 or G-14 with mk 108 engine cannon, results will depend on first IF any rounds hit, than how many.
P-47 is easier to spot, easier to hit
Gustav is not anywhere as tough as a P-47
(will have special and critical hits so planes can dramatically come apart)
I'll get some pictures up tomorrow, thanks in advance for your help
P-47Ds in basic paint, no fancy stuff yet
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