LSSAH Tiger I #1313 early version.....(Academy 1/35)

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Forum Mascot
Aug 21, 2006
In my castle....
Well, seeing this with Academy's 1/35 early version Tiger I with interior is under 30 camels, I find it extremely hard not to get one and do this tank.... Rumours also say that it's one of the best Tiger I kits in the '35 scale, true?

Here's a link to see the kit as well, wish that all online hobby shops did this! Academy 1348 Tiger 1 early version

Also, can you get the decals for this one, or is it a question of pick and mix?
Yeah, yeah......I've noticed that it's says Zitadelle! :evil: :( :oops: :lol:


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It's supposed to be a cracking kit Jan old chap. I read a build review and detailing article only a few days ago, which generally praised the kit overall. There were a few comments on the positioning of some of the interior fittings etc, and their shape/size and so on, but heh!, there are restrictions in moulding techniques, and unless the hull and turret top are removed, the bl**dy stuff can't be seen anyway.
As for the decals, there should be genreic Panzer numbers and unit markings available - seen a few, but wasn't really looking for them.
Fancy doing a 1/35th mid-production Tige 1 in Normandy, but the only available kit at the moment is around £30 (I think either HB or Academy), which is more than I want to pay, when early and late versions can be found at nearly half the price, good enough to add detail to.
Techmod 1/35 AFV sheet 35008 for Early production Tigers has 13 31 on it so simply reverse the 31 and you are in business.:D

True young man, just found it! Not a Nordland or Wiking, but still a 1313.....


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Found one picture captioned as 13 13 but the number is very indistinct...picture rather ordinary...
the caption states..

'shortly after Operation 'Citadel' the company (9/SS Panzer-Regiment) recieved 8 Tigers from 13/SS Panzer-Regiment 1, Tiger 13 13 is inspected by it's new owners.'

The next caption states
"A short while later Tiger 13 13 was magically transformed into Tiger 933 of SS-Unterscharfuehrer Lachner"

Looking further Jan...
Sure is! looking forward to seeing it under way. But you have to be a good boy, and finish your GB entries, and all the other un-finished models, before you're allowed to touch this. Otherwise it's off to bed, without any Guinness - or Judies !!
Ahhhh - there's just nothing like a brand new box of fresh plastic!

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