Luftwaffe bombers bomb bay load

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Senior Master Sergeant
Dec 24, 2007
I've this info, corrections and newest welcomed.

He 177 see here

Fw 200C3 2*500kg

He 111H/P 8*250kg
He 111E 4*250kg
He 111B 3*250kg

Ju 86P and E 4*250kg
Ju 86G 5*250kg

Ju 188A and E 28*50Kg

Ju 88A see here

Do 217E 8*250kg (or 4 *500 kg or 2*1000kg, E-2 overload with 3*1000 kg only semi AP)
Do 217K and M 4*1000kg only semi AP (or 2*1800kg)

Ju 52/3M 6*250kg

Do 17E1 10*50kg (or 2*250kg)
Do 17Z 20*50kg (or 4*250kg)
IIRC the Ju 88/188 couldn`t carry bigger than 20 x 50 / 70 kg bombs internally (e. max. 1400kg).. in fact, the greatest downside of the type. All bigger bombs were carried externally. The was a bulged bomb bay 'pregnant' variant though which iirc could carry 3000 kg internally.

The He 111 could carry, arranged vertically 8 x 250 kg max, all others on external racks.
i Vincenzo,

>Ju 88A 6*250 kg (4*250 with equips for fuel tank in bays)

Hm, weren't these 6 carried externally? As far as I know, the internal bomb bays were for 50 kg bombs exclusively, 18 in the front bomb bay and 10 in the rear bay.

(The outer wing bomb carriers were seldom used, I believe.)


Henning (HoHun)
thanks. i edited original post
some can change title in "Luftwaffe bombers bomb bay load" i'm sorry for error
Hi Vincenzo,

It's my impression that there were no 70 kg bombs in service with the Luftwaffe, though it seems that they were considered or even built in small numbers at least.

Here are some more types (from "Junkersflugzeuge" by Dressel/Griehl):

Ju 52/3m: 6 x 250 kg in DSAC 250 twin vertical racks

(I believe these racks were standardized and could also be used for some - maybe 4 - smaller 50 kg bombs, giving something like 24 x 50 kg capacity for the Ju 52 example.)

Ju 86E: 4 x 250 kg on SAC 250 vertical carriers
Ju 86G: 5 x 250 kg on SAC 250 vertical carriers
Ju 86P: 4 x 250 kg on SAC 250 vertical carriers

Ju 288A-2: 2 x 1800 kg internally (or variations)

Ju 388K: 1 x 1800 kg internally (or variations)

Ju 290C: 10 t internally (apparently 1 big bay forward, 2 small in the middle, 1 big bay aft)

Ju 88C-6: 10 x 50 kg internally


Henning (HoHun)
thanks for infos
if i remember Ju 288A, 290C and 388K never in service.
and Ju 88C were fighters
Some can check Do 217 and Fw 200 figure? End give some info on Do 17/215?
If i understand ju 88/188 bay can carried only 50 kg bombs, he 111, ju 86 max 250 kg bombs.
Hi Vincenzo,

>End give some info on Do 17/215?

Complicated affair ... have a look at Board Message

(Please post any questions on this board or per PM here as I don't visit LEMB any more.)


Henning (HoHun)
Hi Vincenzo,

Thanks, that's good stuff!

>if i've understand the internal load for Do 217E-2 it's 3000 kg

It's internally 4 x 250 kg or 2 x 500 kg + 2 x 250 kg. In the overload condition, another 2 x 500 kg can be carried beneath the wings. (Smaller bombs or external tanks could be carried there, too.)

The bomb bay can also be converted for 50 kg bomb carriage by installing two racks for 10 x 50 kg each, allowing a load of 20 x 50 kg bombs. (I'm not sure if only one rack can be intalled if you mean to carry a mixed load-out.)

Other possible loads are one torpedo (internally), one LMB III aerial mine (internally) or two LMA III aerial mines (probably both internally).

Another document gives slightly different loads, including 3 x 500 kg and 2 x 1000 kg as well a 1 x 1400, 1700 or 1800 kg, all internally. On the other hand, only 16 x 50 kg are listed in that document. For the Do 217E-2, it also lists 4 x 500 kg (internally). Additionally, if the aft limit of the centre of gravity position is exceeded, the E-2 can also carry 3 x 1000 kg internally, 2 x 1000 kg and 2 x 500 kg or 2 x 1400 kg. The E-2 wing hardpoints can take up to 1000 kg bombs or aerial mines each.

The maximum bomb load is limited to 14.5 t with internally carried bombs, 16.5 t with externally carried bombs. The bomb loads given are 1500 kg and 3500 kg respectively, but it appears you could carry greater loads if you sacrificed other load (such as fuel) to observe the overall limit. (Else some of the loads listed above would not make sense.)


Henning (HoHun)
i've understand in the kennblatt it's write, page 7, that E-1 (and E-2) have max internal load of 2*1000 kg (SC or SD) and, in page 8, the E-2, i think so you write "if the aft limit of the centre of gravity position is exceeded" have a max load of 3*1000 kg (only SD (semi AP) are smallest of SC (HE)).
i edited data for Fw 200 C-3 from new info from kennblatt. the internal load were 12*50 kg or 2*250/500 kg
i think that info on old variants of 111 are wrong, now i think that E had 6 esac some can check?
Ju 290C: 10 t internally (apparently 1 big bay forward, 2 small in the middle, 1 big bay aft)

10 tons is quite a lot...

The B series Ju-290 was up-engined with four BMW801E engines which provided 2000hp each at take off with water methanol boost for 15 minutes. Range with three Hs-293 glide bombs, 3,682nm. or 4,324nm range with internal load.

The C series Ju-290 was similar but was intended to be up-engined with four Jumo 222 engines to provide 2500hp each at take off

The E series with four BMW801TJ engines had a huge bomb bay blister beneath the main wing spar and could lift a 40,550lb / 18,248kg bomb load.

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