Hi Vincenzo,
Thanks, that's good stuff!
>if i've understand the internal load for Do 217E-2 it's 3000 kg
It's internally 4 x 250 kg or 2 x 500 kg + 2 x 250 kg. In the overload condition, another 2 x 500 kg can be carried beneath the wings. (Smaller bombs or external tanks could be carried there, too.)
The bomb bay can also be converted for 50 kg bomb carriage by installing two racks for 10 x 50 kg each, allowing a load of 20 x 50 kg bombs. (I'm not sure if only one rack can be intalled if you mean to carry a mixed load-out.)
Other possible loads are one torpedo (internally), one LMB III aerial mine (internally) or two LMA III aerial mines (probably both internally).
Another document gives slightly different loads, including 3 x 500 kg and 2 x 1000 kg as well a 1 x 1400, 1700 or 1800 kg, all internally. On the other hand, only 16 x 50 kg are listed in that document. For the Do 217E-2, it also lists 4 x 500 kg (internally). Additionally, if the aft limit of the centre of gravity position is exceeded, the E-2 can also carry 3 x 1000 kg internally, 2 x 1000 kg and 2 x 500 kg or 2 x 1400 kg. The E-2 wing hardpoints can take up to 1000 kg bombs or aerial mines each.
The maximum bomb load is limited to 14.5 t with internally carried bombs, 16.5 t with externally carried bombs. The bomb loads given are 1500 kg and 3500 kg respectively, but it appears you could carry greater loads if you sacrificed other load (such as fuel) to observe the overall limit. (Else some of the loads listed above would not make sense.)
Henning (HoHun)