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How about Hitler takes Western Europe, but stays away from Italy (as an ally), England and the US while sticking to the Mien Kampt scenario. Japan could be given the conquered European countries' colonies in the East for oil and other resources in return for a second Soviet front...
As already pointed out, in the real world Germany did conquer Holland , but that didn't help Japan get access to the oil in the Durch east Indies.
They had to take them by force, and being sure the USA wouldn't just stand by and let this happen, they attacked the US.
Without Brirain and France envolved in a European war, it makes it even more difficult for Japan to go south for any resources IMO.
... If the US wouldn't go to war over Holland, why would we do so over their colonies -assuming we weren't otherwise threatened and worried about strategic oil? And if Japan had not gone to war with China to no purpose, there wouldn't have been an embargo...
It's not likely France and Britain would just stand by and do nothing while Hitler rolled over Holland and Belgium.
At the end of 1941, well after general hostilities broke out in Europe and China, The US was involved only to the extent of embargoes and supplies to Britain -other than the unofficial shooting war in the mid-Atlantic. And it was Japan and Germany that initiated war with the US. If the US wouldn't go to war over Holland, why would we do so over their colonies -assuming we weren't otherwise threatened and worried about strategic oil? And if Japan had not gone to war with China to no purpose, there wouldn't have been an embargo.
My point is that Hitler did take Western Europe with little repercussion from the US. Had he pulled in his horns, not attacked Great Britain, the US public would not support a European war. And certainly not if Hitler and his former ally Stalin, along with Japan, were the only active combatants.
Actually, IMO the problem would be for Hitler to decouple from Mussolini as he attempted to reconstitute the Roman Empire. But Great Britain could handle Italy and be occupied as Germany and Japan took on the Soviet Union to gain the empires that, IMO, were the underlying causes of the war. This would not draw the US into the war.
But I grant that the personalities, both individual and national, would not have allowed such a strategy.
The US considered the Pacific to be something like their own backyard so if Japan would take any action against the Dutch colonies, the US would surely react. If only to protect their interest in the Philippines.
I agree that the US could have been kept out of the war in Europe if Hitler had handled his politics better.
Also, as much as Churchill hated Hitler, he loved his Empire more. Without the BoB and sans US involvement, he would have swallowed the French defeat and protected his island. The Soviet Union was hardly a sympathetic entity. Absent the enemy-of-my-enemy rationale, the West would not have supported Stalin.
Is there some way Germany could get Poland's "permission" to cross thru into the USSR?
Even under coercion?
Where is the IJN and IJA going to get the oil they need to focus on the USSR.
The US had already cut off Japan from US oil over their policies in China, and since neither Briain nor the US is occupied with the war in Europe, they're even less likely to just let Japan take the Dutch east Indies to get the oil.
This whole scenario is just too unrealistic, first we have to agree that Britain and France doesn't enter WW2 when Germany invades Poland, since there's no way for Germany to get to Russia without first going thru Poland.
OK, we accept no war over Poland. But no European war with Britain envolved when Germany also takes Holland, Belgium and France is just too far from realistic to accept.
Sorry but I do not see this at all.
You only have to read what Churchill was saying to know that he would never have reached an accomodation with Hitler's Germany.
Churchill fully understood the potential of a technically able nazi dominated Europe the threat it would pose (if given the requested 'free hand in the east') to both the UK it's Empire as well as, eventually either directly or through it's allies, the USA.
A short-term policy of avoiding war was no guarantee of the British Empire, and Churchill was fully aware of this had no intention of ever allowing the UK to become another emasculated vassal state of Hitler's Greater Germany.
This is the reason why Roosevelt agreed on the Germany first policy.
Not declaring war on the USA makes little or no difference to the growing US involvement in WW2, however it came (and Pearl Hargboyur pretty much guaranteed it) the USA was bound to come in at some point on the allies side.
The total failure to understand this is also the reason why Germany had many deluded enough to imagine that the UK USA would ever accept this as a 'minus Hitler' option, it was never going to happen and those who imagine it might are simply in denial of the facts.
A nazi or neo-nazi Germany occupying dominating almost all of western, central eastern Europe coupled to the Ukraine western central Russia their resources (perhaps including later elements of 'Operation Orient' where Britain loses touch with Persia her oil) was never one that the UK or USA would ever find acceptable.
(one reason why the German army resistance was cold-shouldered by the allies....but had they been successful they would no doubt have been put straight on this quite rapidly.....although should they have been open to this and then flexible on how the peace should be engineered is another matter, but the tales I have read indicate that a still military Germany, even with many of the nazi gang locked up and brought to justice, was no guarantee of the war ending)
Nobody is claiming that Churchill would be happy with the situation but I still doubt that Churchill would have engaged in an agressive war against Germany IF Germany abstained from any action against Danmark and Norway or the low countries.
The man detested Stalin and communism in general.
So if Hitler would have take on the Sovjet Union I think noth France and the UK would have waited to see wait the result would be. Meanwhile both countries would be rearming
Is there some way Germany could get Poland's "permission" to cross thru into the USSR?
Even under coercion?
Sorry but I do not see this at all.
You only have to read what Churchill was saying to know that he would never have reached an accomodation with Hitler's Germany.
Churchill fully understood the potential of a technically able nazi dominated Europe the threat it would pose (if given the requested 'free hand in the east') to both the UK it's Empire as well as, eventually either directly or through it's allies, the USA.
A short-term policy of avoiding war was no guarantee of the British Empire, and Churchill was fully aware of this had no intention of ever allowing the UK to become another emasculated vassal state of Hitler's Greater Germany.
This is the reason why Roosevelt agreed on the Germany first policy.
Not declaring war on the USA makes little or no difference to the growing US involvement in WW2, however it came (and Pearl Hargboyur pretty much guaranteed it) the USA was bound to come in at some point on the allies side.
The total failure to understand this is also the reason why Germany had many deluded enough to imagine that the UK USA would ever accept this as a 'minus Hitler' option, it was never going to happen and those who imagine it might are simply in denial of the facts.
A nazi or neo-nazi Germany occupying dominating almost all of western, central eastern Europe coupled to the Ukraine western central Russia their resources (perhaps including later elements of 'Operation Orient' where Britain loses touch with Persia her oil) was never one that the UK or USA would ever find acceptable.
(one reason why the German army resistance was cold-shouldered by the allies....but had they been successful they would no doubt have been put straight on this quite rapidly.....although should they have been open to this and then flexible on how the peace should be engineered is another matter, but the tales I have read indicate that a still military Germany, even with many of the nazi gang locked up and brought to justice, was no guarantee of the war ending)