Senior Airman
There have been a number of comments around Churchills comment, writings and views on Hitler and less about his equally negative views on Stalin.
I'm not disputing Churchill loathed Stalin.
My point is that he understood nazi Germany to be the greater threat.
That is not to say that the USSR was not seen as a threat, just less of one.
However we and I do include myself have forgotten one important point. Churchill wasn't the Prime Minister when war broke out, Neville Chamberlain was and there was a strong lobby for peace in english politics.
This is true.....but this also ignores the fact that the British public mood had altered radically after Hitler rolled into Prague.
The English lobby for peace existed, but how large it truly was will possibly remain a mystery, at least until the next big round of classified documents get opened in this half of the 21st century (I know some documents are scheduled to be released in 2055, although some are marked to never be opened).
Had Hitler avoided attacking France then Chamberlain wouldn't have fallen from power
Actually Chamberlain departed after the disaster in Norway, not France, that was yet to come it came under Churchill......and it did not see Churchill have to leave.
GB's, i.e. Churchill's, resolve is not in question; only its capability to act effectively.
Shortly after the fall of France a report evaluating GB's chances and containing a pregnant preamble was issued. It contained the language,
"…in the even of terms being offered to Britain which would place her entirely at the mercy of Germany through disarmament….; what are the prospects of our continuing the war…"
This suggests that had more favorable terms been offered, the matter would have been open to other consideration.
Well my observatiuon here is different.
The British Civil Service is doing what the British Civil Service does, namely offering options for consideration.
It says nothing about the 'weight' one might place on those options nor the likelyhood of them coming to pass, nor the political interpretation of those options.
My view is that Churchill understood perfectly well what a nazi victory would mean......and it is simply a fact of history that he had plenty of opportunity to just stand by and watch Hitler Stalin tear each other to pieces.
He did not preferred to see the UK effectively go bankrupt lose her Empire rather than see nazism dominant in the world.
Even when it became clear that this also meant the loss of a lot of central eastern Europe to Stalin's communism.
And during the closing months of the war, Churchill put GB's blood into gaining democracy for Greece. However, lacking FDR's support, he was unable to do the same for Poland though the Free Polish forces had been extraordinarily brave allies. It can be argued that Churchill came to view Stalin as fully as evil as Hitler. Though irrepressible, he was disheartened by the outcome with Stalin occupying Eastern Europe rather than Hitler.
Well we reach different conclusions here too.
My view is that if it was avoidable obviously he would have preferred a free central eastern Europe.
But, given the choice, a communist dominated one was slightly preferable to a nazi dominated one.
It took almost 60yrs to see the world rid of communist Europe, my view is that Churchill knew a nazi Europe may well have lasted longer, with all that entailed for the populations deemed unworthy of life etc etc.
Finally, there's good reason to believe that a military empire, particularly a brutal one, drains rather than strengthens the aggressor. This was George Kennon's insight that lead to containment rather than military action against the Soviet Union. But development of this theory would be even greater abuse of the thread.
Now this I have a lot of time for, the question is, how many decades end up being spent getting there how for long does the malign influence continue to resonat down the ages.
Look at today with the reality we have.
Nazism continues to attract it's devotes, continues to shape attitudes, even in countries where better really ought to be known where families were directly effected.
I suspect that an evening over a pint would bring us much closer in our views.
Anytime my friend anytime, I'm sure we'd have an interesting enjoyable chat.