Make-A-Wish Foundation Helps Batboy save SanFran from the Riddler and Penguin, more

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Very nice. While I admire the Make a Wish Foundation and don't wish to crap on this young man's wonderful day, I didn't realize that they now grant wishes to kids who are not terminally ill. I heard that on the news this last week and wonder whether Make a Wish is flush with cash or has made a business decision at the expense of those kids who are assured to not be with us much longer and not having their wish granted. I hope it is the former.
Good question. It sounds to me like this event is far more than MAW ever thought it was going to be (11,000+!) so it may simply be there's other donations, like use of the cars. Its sure captured the city's imagination, and if nothing else can give hope to other kids.
But it is Never SanFran!!!!!!!! Sorry the whole name, or SF please....

Is the Town Pump still on the main street of Yuba City?
Holy Speakeasies, Batman!! You know of the Town Pump?

Yeah, its there but you have the wrong street - its on Plumas. When's the last time you were here? A few years ago they totally redid Plumas. Check it out on Googlemaps or something like that. Its pretty cool now. Even have a sweet sports bar, the Happy Viking.

(I used SanFran because I didn't feel like typing the whole thing and thought that SF might be too ambiguous for our non-American friends)
The Town Pump? too many years ago.
I used to drive to the A&W drive in and drown in root beer floats........
I lived on a peach ranch on 99E. Used to catch the bus to Sutter at the old Wagon Wheel??
We (native Southern Californians) used to refer to San Francisco as "Frisco" but the locals there don't like it and get all bent out of shape if we say it. Since moving north, I have discovered there's quite a few of them up here in NorCal these days.

So now we just say "Bay Area" or "Them"'s a whole lot easier...
No more A&Ws and the Wagon Wheel has changed hands, but the last time I was there the food was still good and reasonable (and the waitress was HOT).

99E? 99 runs basically N-S. Do you by chance mean 20E (that'd be across the river in Yuba County, though...)
Doggy Diner...................... nooooooo,
Top Dog up near Sather Gate UCB!
Tommy's Joint in SF.
Val's Burgers in Hayward.
The Englander in San Leandro.

99E runs from YC to Live Oak and the famous Pasquini's! It's just 99 now I think, GS Hwy.

I was pretty stuck on the "farm" and didn't get out much. I only lived there grades 10, 11, 12. Was in boot camp 11 days after graduating and only back to visit rarely. It was a dark time in my life really.
The 99 changed a bit when they put the 5 in, but the 99 used to be the main route through from Southern California to points north. Remnants of it still passes through Redding, 99/273 becomes Market Street then is over-taken by the 5 again.

OK, so "E" prob doesn't stand for "East". I drive that three times a week heading up to class at Chico state.

Pasquini's is still going strong.

You ever try out The Sardine Can in Vallejo, right there at the harbor next to the Coast Guard?

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