Manuals People are looking for (1 Viewer)

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Hi all,

Does anyone have a manual for the R-2600 engine?
All that I end up with is empty hands...


Looking for any kind of information on the power packs, build up etc.
Also the engine it self and commerical version CB4, and accessories etc. willing to pay what you think is fair.

PM contact info
Looking for a good copy of the de Havilland Maintenance and Repair manual for either the Tiger Moth DH82A or DH82C.

The copies I currently have are not that great and a lot of key information is not very legible - so I would really appreciate any help.
Looking for any manuals on the TG-6 Glider.USAAF Pilot's Flight Operating Instructions for the TG-6 glider, T.O. 09-35AA-1 was only approximately 15 pages long.
Also looking for parts manual for the Vultee L-1A Vigilant, originally designated O-49, the military version of the civilian Stinson Model 74
I've been advised to try this manual to find the structural component weight distribution for Lancasters' I/III/X.
For simulation, I need to be able to calculate the inertias of individual major structure components such as fin&rudder, tailplane, fuselage sections, outer wing sections, engine nacelles, chassis, wheels etc.

Has anyone seen or heard of a copy of this manual (A.P. 2062 Vol II)? Or can anyone help with my objective?
Looking for manuals on the Curtiss AT-9 Jeep, B-18 Bolo, Martin B-10, Curtiss O-52 Owl, North American O-47 to name but a few. Anyone have anything?
I'm looking for a copy of A.P.2095 - PILOT'S NOTES GENERAL. There used to be a 1943 copy on , and one from 1937 on Both sites seem to be dead, and I didn't save a copy

Any chance anyone has a copy, or knows where they can be found now?
Hi Valery,

To be honest Ive never created a list of all the manuals ...... It would take me hours to create a list now.

All the best

I think its quite easy to make a list

here we go :
1 open dos box (command prompt under Accessories)
2 go to the drive and directory were you have youre manuals. (type help and enter if you ant to see the possible commands
3 copy this command into the dosbox press enter
-->> dir /s > c:\outputfile.txt <<---

now it will give everything that is in that directory and put in in a text file on your c drive with the file name output.txt
open output.txt in excel at format the txt file .

hope it is to use for you.

May have to give it a try, thanks Snautzer01
Hi Guys,
I need a get hold of copies of an AT-6/SNJ maintenance manual, and R-1340 An-1 maintenance manual. I've searched the site, but have come up with nothing. I would have thought they would have been on here.
Howdy Guys,
My first post and just want to start by saying great community you have going here.

I have found my way here due to a new found interest in flight sims paired to an old love of the Supermarine Spitfire, she makes my pants tight. I am inspired by those on this site building 1:1 scale SpitPits and might venture down that track myself. For now though, I'll first need to learn how to fly in the virtual world.

So if I could second HOP's request back in post#89 for A.P. 2095 Pilot's Notes General it was posted here by Ron Handgraaf a few years back but the link has gone dead. I am hoping someone saved a copy and can post it again.

also looking for A.P. 129 RAF Flying Training
A.P. 1732A Principles of Flying Instruction
A.P. 1979A Cadet's Handbook of Elementary Flying Training

But I ask for so much and give so little, I will try to restore the balance.

Hugh_T post#85 requested the de Havilland Tiger Moth D.H.82A/D.H.82C Maintenance and Repair manual, I don't have that one but this might be of some help.


  • TigerMothConstructionManual.pdf
    28.3 MB · Views: 454
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and these two...
(I did a search on this site and not found these manuals. Sorry if I have inadvertently double posted them).


    22.4 MB · Views: 451
    5.9 MB · Views: 505
Thank you GWS IX, appreciated, and welcome to the forum. Are the last two the parts manual and overhaul manual for the tiger moth?

I have a couple of the manuals you have asked for in HC, but unfortuately am away travelling at the moment. If someone doesn't come through in the next few weeks I'll post on my return.


Thank you GWS IX, appreciated, and welcome to the forum. Are the last two the parts manual and overhaul manual for the tiger moth?



Hi ozhawk40,

TM-PN is the RAAF Pilot's Notes for the Tiger Moth issued in Feb 1944

TM-OM is the operational and maintenance manual for the D.H.82C issued by De Havilland Canada. There is no publication date that I can see. There are inspection, maintenance and overhaul chapters and diagrams to go with it. However the scan quality is not high and details can be hard to make out in sections, text for the most part is readable.

Anybody have overhaul manuals or operating manuals for Rolls Royce Merlin Griffon, Pratt Whitney R2800 R4360, and Wright R3350 ?
Modeling an Me 262 and would appreciate anyone having any information on a pdf version of this wether it be a partial or a full copy...

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