Manuals update

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Aug 21, 2006
Well there it is, for the most part I have uploaded every thing that I got on Aircraft manual's. I have 4 or 5 that I may post later. Have to work on some of them to convert to PDF or scan them into pdf format depending on the situation of what type of aircraft I work on next.

Possibility's include the following

Bf-109 in Russian
P-40 tomahawk, its different then P-40 warhawk
Me 262
B-25 this one will be long time if I do because it would be so big. Bigger then B-17 document.
Lagg 3 in Russian
Lag 5 in Russian

Other than that I bet others would like to see more posts besides the ones I have. If you have one, scan it and post it. If you have trouble converting it to PDF I will gladly convert it for you or try and explain it to you.

Couple of the ones I would love to see are below.
Me 234
He 111
Not to mention some Italian aircraft.

Enjoy Micdrow :lol:
We'll work on the P-51D. I really appreciate all your hard work, our "Tech Library" has now turned into a treasure chest. Again many thanks and i hope the rest of the membership appreciates your efforts!!!!
Is there some kind of requirement for manuals? I have TempestMkV manual that I converted into *.pdf long time ago, the original was in *.jpg's...
So if you guys don't already have it somewhere(I only saw Tempest MkII manual) or if you don't plan to post it, I'll be happy to post it :)
Brain32 said:
Is there some kind of requirement for manuals? I have TempestMkV manual that I converted into *.pdf long time ago, the original was in *.jpg's...
So if you guys don't already have it somewhere(I only saw Tempest MkII manual) or if you don't plan to post it, I'll be happy to post it :)
Please do - we support any additions to the library.
i saw that those manuals are in russian like the one from ME 109
are they comming from russia coz i am looking for manuals or blueprints of stuka ju 87.
kindly regards
[email protected]

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