Marconi Type7 1942 Long Range Meter-Wave Radar Operator and Maintenance Manual

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Senior Airman
Mar 26, 2022
Marconi Type7 1942 Long Range Meter-Wave Radar Operator and Maintenance Manual, sharing for no profit publicly.
Type 7 radar is a long-range Meter-Wave Radar, whose Range for WWII Bomber Aircrafts was 145km at an altitude of 5000m.
This document was generated by Colin Hinson, from a Crown copyright document held at R.A.F. Henlow Signals Museum. It is presented here (for free) under the Open Government Licence (O.G.L.) and this version of the document is Colin Hinson's copyright (along with the Crown Copyright) in much the same way as a photograph would be. The document should have been downloaded from his website Radar
Please download the following 3 pdf attachments:


  • Type7_Meter_Wave_Radar_Operator_Maintenance_Manual.pdf
    50.3 MB · Views: 78
  • Type7airdefencesearchradar.pdf
    162.5 KB · Views: 66
  • MarconiType7-spec.pdf
    145 KB · Views: 67
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