Me-262 dimension

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johnie hopper

Oct 26, 2018
Hi, could anyone help me? I'm working on detailed 3D model of Me-262. I went through many books and magazines but still not able to find exact values of inner diameter of cockpit barrel and of the thickness of its wall. Thank you.

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I have one more question. There was a big yellow button or endpoint on the left panel in pilot cockpit. You can find it in pictures of post war Avia S-92 cockpit, but it is not mounted in other left/survived Me 262. Does anyone know what device was/is it?


  • Yellow button.JPG
    Yellow button.JPG
    53.9 KB · Views: 147
It's the knob/ button for defrosting of the windshield. In Czech it is "odmrazováni čelniho skla".
Dziękuję bardzo :pilotsalute:, don't you know Fl number of RLM specification?
I'm not sure it can be mantioned by any RLM spec. I would say that's the Avia post-war modification. The Messerschmit didn't seem to attach this device at all. At least , not at this location.

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