me-262 general info.

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what do you mean with german made me 262?
only germany made them, but then we can go back to 1994 or 95 when a project to made 5 copies from an original me 262, was started in the TAF in fort worth, tx
untouched1844 said:
i like the german made me-262 and would like to know more about it. if any one could tell me what they now it would be most apresiated.

Get the Classic series of 4 books by Eddie Creek and J Richard Smith on the 262. Just about everything you would want to know.
you can also get
messersmitt me 262 arrow to the future by walter j. boyne
me 262 stormbird rising by hugh morgan, exellent book!!!!
warplanes of the third reich by william green
back to books........throw the William Green book in the garbage and pick up the multi-volume history on the 262 through Classic Publications.

JG 7 in both German and English by Manfred Boehme

Me 262 by Monogram publications, although OOP it is worth having for some unique information and pics.

Me 262 combat diary, still one of the best with some errors but these are negligible.

Jet Planes of the Third Reich very much OOP, but still a giant of a work and a classic. You'll pay a price of 150.00 US minimum if you can find a copy but it should be on every shelf interested in jet refinements and operations. The multi-volumes by Classic Pubs evolved from this tremendous volume done years ago....

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