
Could the Me-262 have won the war for the Axis?

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Sorry - I haven't read this entire thread (7 pages!), so what I say might have been said before, but here goes: Providing the Luftwaffe had got the '262 into service before 1944, with plenty of decent pilots to fly and train on them, the '262 would have delayed the end of the war by a long time. However, the war was always going to be decided by more fundamental differences between the combatant nations. The combined industrial capacity of the USA, USSR and British Empire was many many times greater than that of the Germans and Japanese. Under any circumstances apart from a German conquest of the USSR, the war would have continued until German industry was run into the ground, and/ or 'Enola Gayed' by the US (you know what I mean). The '262 could have ruled the skies of Europe under the circumstances specified previously, but once Germany can no longer build them, it is a moot point.
'Enola Gayed' by the US (you know what I mean).

1)I've never heard it been caled that before
2) if we were to "Enola Gay" germany, it would have been an american bomb, but it would have been dropped by the lancaster.................
The B-29 would have been far more qualified than the Lancaster to 'Enola Gay' Germany.

If the war had been extended past the defeat of Japan, we would already have a specially designed Enola Gay or Bockscar to drop another bomb

Plus, trust a Lanc with that, it would have to fly at night because of a lack of armament, and they'd probably miss the target altogether
Hermann said:
The AR 240 was a Twin Engined propellar plane. Good yes, but no more revolution than for ex. the Mosquito.What influence on the result of the war can a plane like this have !!!!!

The DH Mosquito was one of the most outstanding revolutions of aviation warfare - the Mosquito certainly influenced things just as the first Jets did...but i still wouldn't aruge that either of them won the war

The lanc was OVERQUALIFIED to drop any nuke...and whats more, with a nuke it doesn't really matter if you hit the target spot on does it? as long as you're reasonably close i'm sure it will have much the same effect...

I bet the pilot of 'Enola Gay' didn't say to his bombadier "damn it chuck! you missed the noodle bar by 2 feet!"
ah but if the war had lasted longer day raids would have become more dangerous as the germans would have Ho IX's swarming the skies along wiht Ta-154's and Schwalbes!

Reichsmarschall Batista
I think if the Me-262 had been allowed to operate as a fighter from the get go the Allies would have been in serious trouble. The 30 mm canon was the best anti aircraft round made. The Germans 20 mm round was underpowered. The 20 mm's projectile speed was under 900 feet/second which was too slow. The 30 mm round was heavier and had a lot more effect when the round exploded. However the Jumo engines on the Me-262 were not reliable but with a little more development time the Germans would have had the best fighter in the sky. The Japanese had very good aircraft but their lack of high octane av-gas hampered their aircrafts preformance
GermansRGeniuses said:
ah but if the war had lasted longer day raids would have become more dangerous as the germans would have Ho IX's swarming the skies along wiht Ta-154's and Schwalbes!

Reichsmarschall Batista

See the reason and despair!!

Besides, I'm talking missing on a nuclear level. "What were we aiming for, old chap?"

"Berlin. Why?"

"I thought so. I just wondered because we haven't seen a single fighter, and Berlin looks an awful bloody lot like London"

Once the Allies destroyed Germany's ' Heavy water ' program , there went any future nuclear capability - Also , 262's didn't have a great deal of range, were unreliable, and being a 100 odd mph faster, couldn't get a bead too easily on Allied fighter aircraft - Many a Mosquito got shot-up , but made it back to base due to manoevrability and cloud-cover, and the Allies had jets on the way, anyway...
Actually the AR 240, could have been arguably the best heavy fighter of WW2 (Along with the FW 187!)

I don't think the Allies would have nuked Berlin because there was just too much cause for concern in what would happen if the plane was shot-down or if they missed!


This man knows EXACTLY what he's talking about...I couldn't have worded that better myself
The Arado Blitz flying 1000 miles per hour did not stop 4 of them being shot down while they were trying to bomb a bridge the allies were using. The Arado's flew 3 seperate missions and dropped bomb but none of them damaged the bridge. Did ground fire get the Arados or were they shot down by aircraft ?
1000 mph Arado? Not!! 1000 kph,maybe. Also,regarding the Lanc not being armed heavily enough to fly nuclear missions, the Silverplate B-29s that dropped the nukes only carried tail guns, all other positions were eliminated.And what would these swarms of fantasy fighters have run on, cabbage juice? The Luftwaffe had hundreds of fighters that never got a gallon of gas amongst them. That's called strategic warfare, kiddies!

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