meet WildCat

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Saw this last night on the news, reminds me of AMEE the cgi "dog" in the movie Red Planet


  • amee_on_the_red_planet_by_darth_biomech-d5oly2c.jpg
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Sorry...thought you meant our Wildcat, he of the Vultee Vengeance fetish on this forum. Robotic felines? Meh! :)

Then again, I wouldn't want our Wildcat chasing me while firing 5.56s out of his tusks!
You leave my fetish out of this, Buffalo boy!

Hey, some of us have multiple fetishes...I like the Vengeance too, remember! And the Boomerang, CW-21B, F3D-2, Whirlwind, Hudson, Javelin, EE Lightning, Lysander, Mosquito, Blenheim, P-66, Hurricane, Wirraway, Skua/Roc, Defiant, P-43 etc etc etc.

BTW, did you hear that AZModel is reworking their 1/48 Vengeance? Apparently the sole survivor at Camden is due to be measured sometime in the next couple of weeks. Maybe one day we'll actually get a decent kit of the cranked-wing bird!
Hey, some of us have multiple fetishes...I like the Vengeance too, remember! And the Boomerang, CW-21B, F3D-2, Whirlwind, Hudson, Javelin, EE Lightning, Lysander, Mosquito, Blenheim, P-66, Hurricane, Wirraway, Skua/Roc, Defiant, P-43 etc etc etc.
:lol: Seriously though, you have great taste in aircraft Mark!

BTW, did you hear that AZModel is reworking their 1/48 Vengeance? Apparently the sole survivor at Camden is due to be measured sometime in the next couple of weeks. Maybe one day we'll actually get a decent kit of the cranked-wing bird!
I did read that somewhere. I haven't gotten their Vengeance yet because I thought it would be beyond my skill level. A new tooling is very tempting though...
Yeah, the price of the AZModel kit scared me - $80 is bad enough but paying that much for a kit that is badly mis-shapen isn't even remotely funny. Ofcourse one could buy the resin kit to correct the faults...which is another $80 and the only parts used from the AZModel kit are the wings. Oh, but the resin conversion introduces other errors. Sorry...$160 and still not an accurate representation of the crank-winged beast is simply not within the bounds of common sense.

Here's hoping the AZModel revamp gets it right. Apparently, they're also reworking the nose and underfuselage lines of their 1/48 Saab J-29 Tunnan...that's another one on my list in UN markings with the funky blue/green/orange camo pattern...but that's yet another sad fetish! :)

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