True but they had to wait till mid 1943 to get the F6F. The Sea Hurricane would have been a useful stopgap and the USN could have had them in service in mid 1942.
Although I believe the Hurricane was the better flying aircraft (I think the F4F could take more punishment and was better carrier suited), I don't believe possible unless that decision was made right after Pearl Harbor (probably sooner), and even then, would Canadian Car and Foundry (who only produced only about 1,400 units) been able to supply the US Navy enough aircraft to really make a difference? The F4F was in full production, the first production F6F was in the air by October 1942. Additionally the aircraft would have been subjected to carrier trials (which it would have easily passed).
Aside from logistics and red tape, I don't see the US Navy taking Canadian Sea Hurricanes as "value added" in the 1942 time frame, additionally you also have the reluctance of US Navy commanders placing large amounts of glycol on aircraft carriers.