Messerschmitt Bf 109 1/72 kit

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Senior Airman
Apr 13, 2010
Calling all u Messerschmitt experts!
I am soon to embark on making a 1/72 of a Bf 109G-6 and was after a bit of info.
The aircraft in question was part of the Jagdgeschwader 53 'Pik As' and the decals I am using are from when the unit was in Sicily in 1943.It has a yellow '14' on it and a white band near the tail plus a white and black striped nose.
Is there any way of identifying which pilot would have flown this aircraft?
Also,could someone please tell me what colour the wheel wells were on these craft?
Many thanks.
Do you mean the kite?


  • Bf109G2R6Trop III_JG53 Yellow14 1943.jpg
    Bf109G2R6Trop III_JG53 Yellow14 1943.jpg
    80 KB · Views: 202
The original would have, can blame the stupid censorship laws for the kit's lack of one...I can fix you up there though!

The wheel bays should be painted with RLM02 like all inner surfacs except the cockpit interior painted with RLM66.

No swastika in the kit? Of what manufacturer is the kit?
The wheel bays should be painted with RLM02 like all inner surfacs except the cockpit interior painted with RLM66.

No swastika in the kit? Of what manufacturer is the kit?

It's an Airfix one mate.
Thanks for the paint colours,much appreciated.
The original would have, can blame the stupid censorship laws for the kit's lack of one...I can fix you up there though!


Censorship laws on swastikas? I always thought the logo was originally a hindu peace sign.I am used to seeing censorship on all the tobacco-sponsored race cars I have in my diecast collection but it never occured to me that swastikas would be banned from sale.
Thanks mate,pm on the way.
It's an Airfix one mate.
Thanks for the paint colours,much appreciated.

Aha...Airfix one.So no wonder it is without the swastik. These markings aren't included to both of the plane kits ( AX01072 and A20209 ).
As I posted on one of the other threads recently, decal sheets imported into Hungary (including those in kits), and arriving via Germany, have all been found to have the Hakenkreuz cut out of them! A model shop I was in on Monday have a complete range of Eagle strike decals they can't sell because of this! Even Finnish national markings (Blue hakenkreuz on white roundel) are censore's ridiculous.

You're right with the original meaning too - in many cultures, including Hindu, Etruscan, Scandinavian and Celtic, it represented peace, forces of nature, and the rotation of the sun, facing either clockwise or anti-clockwise.

Nazi use of the Hakenkreuz gave it the bad reputation it has now, but as far as decals are concerned, it is a Luftwaffe national marking, and has as much right to be printed (IMO) as the red circle of an RAF roundel, or yellow crown in a Swedish roundel. What's next? Shall we ban Russian stars from decal sheets because they represent communism???? :rolleyes:
I think the swastica is not a problem for modellers at all.There are decal manufacturers who sell full sets of these in all sizes. For instnce Techmod here in Poland.The main problem is that modelmakers have to follow the Law.The kind of marking that can be seen public is forbiden in a couple of countries ( In Germany for instance.) So it might have been a problem with selling these kits to the state.Academy for example has coped with the problem dividing the Hakenkreuz into two parts.As a result the swastika doesn't look like the sign.So it depends on a modeller whether both parts will be sticked to the model or not.Also there is a dark square at the swastika place in all top-box arts.
Personally I don't care if there is the swastika comming with a kit or not.If it is I say nice.If not I take my box with spare decals markings or order a correct decal sheet.No excitement on that.
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Interesting that you're discussing the swastika in a thread about JG 53. At one point during the Battle of Britain certain pilots of this Geschwader painted their tail swastikas over....
Point for you Paul. I have forgotten about the story. However the reason for painting the tail swastikas over was different.
It is possible. I had seen the pic somewhere else before.There was a short note about its history.But where it was...?????
Holy crap...I'm getting older.:(
I have encountered similar censorship issues with my other hobby of diecast race cars.Many of the older 1970's cars had tobacco sponsorship but any model produced is sold without these decals which have to be bought aftermarket.
It's all ridiculous to me.I can almost understand the tobacco law but how is a swastika 'offensive' when it's on a model fighter plane?:shock:
Ah well,Ces't la vie I guess.
I have to admit this is the first model I've really attempted to find out more about and it's a fascinating story the 'Pik As' unit.The last unit to be in Tunisia when the Africa Korps were beaten and the only unit in the sky in Normandy on D-Day.That is ,of course, assuming that wikpedia is correct so I'm willing to be corrected!:)
I'm now looking at the history of my other models and will do so with all future ones too.
I have a Fockewulf also in 1/72 with Heinz Bar as the pilot and what a legend this guy was.
Ok,I'm rambling now.
I think that the lack of the swastika markings in the kit hasn't been caused by any censorship issues.In the case it is the matter of money.You know it is better to sell more than less.
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Hmmm. She's a "Gunboat" with a tropical fliter. It's not Rollwage's crate that's for sure, he flew "Black 2" with 5./JG 53 although that tight fighter spiral and location (Trampini/Sicily) would be about right.
I thought it was Priller and his wingman, of JG26, supposedly the only unit in the sky on D-Day? Of course, that was the original response to the landings - furhter LW sorties did take place. Only JG2 and JG26 were operational on the front at the time of D-Day. I'd have to check the exact disposition of the Stab and Gruppen, but as far as I know, JG53 were on Reich Defense duties, nowhere near Normandy.
It's an Airfix one mate.
Thanks for the paint colours,much appreciated.

I bought this airfix kit last week, it's really nice kit one of the best made by airfix

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