Messerschmitt Me 509 and further projects

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Hello all,

the Me 509 was an unusual design of the Me 309, which never reached production. Had some similarity with the Airacobra.
The resin kit was from RS Models. There are rumours, that the Japanese R2Y Keiun was based on the Me 509, but this is very unlikely.






A further project is very unknown, the Me 309/XIII/246. Engineer Frederick Schwarz of Messerschmitt worked on the the optimization of the armor of fighters. Die unusual retracted hood with a periscope sight. Although a compact design with the best armor protection and even 30 km / h higher rate, but would struggle with the handling and landing inadequate. Therefore, the aircraft project was stopped. The term XIII/245 referred to the Me 309, the aircraft project was called XIII/246.


The Me 309 kit was from Huma, build out of the box. The XIII/245 wis from a same kit. The internals and canopy section are completely scratch.

Interesting plane...not familar with it.

Nice build too!

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