Michael Vick Dogfighting Case Opens Racial Divide

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Private Chemtrail Disperser
Nov 8, 2004
This just pisses me off! Why does **** like this happen all the time when a person of "minority" race or ethinicity is on trial for a crime they most likely commited?

Why does it have to be a racial issue. Also some of the people in this article really need to go back to school. (the part I am talking about is in bold text below) As an American I am ashamed of some of there English speaking skills. Just terrible!

Michael Vick dogfighting case opens racial divide

By DIONNE WALKER | Associated Press Writer
August 3, 2007

RICHMOND, Va. - The difference between those sporting Michael Vick jerseys and those urging his swift conviction on dogfighting charges is glaring: Vick's supporters are mostly black; his critics are mostly white.

The racial divide emerged early in the case against the Atlanta Falcons quarterback, apparent at rallies filled with cheering--and overwhelmingly black--Vick supporters and at anti-Vick protests that are noticeably white.

Vick's opponents say the evidence against him is overwhelming. For many black supporters, that judgment evokes uncomfortable questions about race and guilt in America.

"White folks 'been grindin' on an ax ... and that ax ain't got sharp enough for them," said Earnest Hardy Sr., who called the case a witch hunt targeting a successful black man.

Hardy's Surry County home borders Vick's property, where an April raid turned up evidence of dogfighting. Federal authorities indicted Vick on dogfighting charges, and he faces jail time and fines. He has pleaded not guilty.

In the rural county split 50-50 between whites and blacks, the case quickly took a racial bent. At the county courthouse, angry letters urged that whites "take back their town." Critics accuse the commonwealth's attorney, Gerald Poindexter, of stalling an investigation to protect one of his own.

"The only thing I'm doing is protecting my personal integrity and protecting the integrity of the office," said Poindexter, who is black. "I'm not going to be pushed into bringing charges that won't stand."

Hardy spotted Surry's racial divisions long ago--in the farmland developers are sweeping up and selling at prices working-class folks can't afford, and in the new neighbors who don't look like him.

Hardy suspects that Vick--famous, rich and black--is just the fall guy behind bigger issues.

"A hundred-million-dollar black man?" he huffed. "They can't stand it."

His view is reflected from the Newport News region where Vick was raised to Atlanta, where a rally supporting the former Virginia Tech standout drew several hundred fans, but barely 50 whites, said Gerald Rose, with Atlanta-based New Order National Human Rights Organization.

Rose said the outcry stems from what he said is Vick's premature conviction in the media--not support for dogfighting. But he said the case also awakens anger over a perceived smear campaign targeting famous black men from Kobe Bryant to Michael Jackson.

He argues black men who stumble draw excessive scrutiny and especially harsh public judgment.

"It's been too many cases involving African-Americans (where) they got through the court of law, they've been found not guilty, but damage has been done," Rose said.

Vick and two co-defendants are scheduled to stand trial Nov. 26. The Southern Christian Leadership Conference plans to recognize Vick at its annual convention, which began Friday in Atlanta.

"We're in support of Michael as a human being," SCLC president Charles Steele said. "Right now, he's feeling discarded, ostracized by people who are rushing to judgment. It's our responsibility to save him."

Tempers flared at Vick's July 26 arraignment in Richmond, where outside the courthouse blacks and whites debated everything from animal rights to slavery.

"It's racial profiling," said Bill Brown, a Richmond store owner who held a sign urging Vick's fair treatment. "We're always trying to brush everything up under the rug when it comes to racial things."

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, leader of the most vocal Vick protests, says the issue isn't racial.

"We're reacting very strongly to this case because Michael Vick is someone who's a hero ... If this were Peyton Manning or Brett Favre, we'd be out there," spokesman Dan Shannon said.

Both NFL quarterbacks are white.

Vick's case is a "crack in the dam" of American racial tension, explained Jeff Menzise, assistant director of the Race Relations Institute at Fisk University in Tennessee.

Whites, he said, may have underlying anger at blacks they feel constantly play the race card. Blacks, meanwhile, may feel whites rush to judge black suspects, but are more lenient to white ones, Menzise said. A case like Vick's offers a vent for those frustrations.

"When you dam up a river, any crack in that dam and every drop of water is going to try and get out," he said.

Menzise said blacks may despise dogfighting but support Vick as a figure of black success in a society in which there are relatively few.

At his Richmond clothing store, Brown said he'll continue stocking Vick merchandise, though others have pulled it from shelves. He likened black support for Vick's cause to the support for O.J. Simpson's acquittal.

"Black people didn't care about O.J.," he said. "But we felt like we finally won."
I dont give a f*** on whether the accused is white/black/brown/yellow/purple or whatever.

Anyone who mistreats animals is a scum as bad or even worse than a child molester.

And I will also tell it to the face of those "black folks" who are rallying around Vick..."he is innocent untill proven guilty. He is also a representative of the NFL and has to watch his actions".

Deradler.... in that homicide blog I posted, you should read some of the comments people leave about the victims. Some of them are written so poorly, its self explanatory that they live in a failed school district.
I dont give a f*** on whether the accused is white/black/brown/yellow/purple or whatever.

Anyone who mistreats animals is a scum as bad or even worse than a child molester.

And I will also tell it to the face of those "black folks" who are rallying around Vick..."he is innocent untill proven guilty. He is also a representative of the NFL and has to watch his actions".

Deradler.... in that homicide blog I posted, you should read some of the comments people leave about the victims. Some of them are written so poorly, its self explanatory that they live in a failed school district.

I dont give a f*** on whether the accused is white/black/brown/yellow/purple or whatever.

Anyone who mistreats animals is a scum as bad or even worse than a child molester.

And I will also tell it to the face of those "black folks" who are rallying around Vick..."he is innocent untill proven guilty. He is also a representative of the NFL and has to watch his actions".

Deradler.... in that homicide blog I posted, you should read some of the comments people leave about the victims. Some of them are written so poorly, its self explanatory that they live in a failed school district.

I wouldn't go that far...
I wouldn't go that far...

Ok....please elaborate!

Adler, I agree this is BS. Notice the guy doesn't mention that one of Vick's co-defendants has been singing like a canary to prosecutors. He said that Vick has funded the dogs, the kennels, the transportation, and backed the bets. But NOOOOOOOOO. This is racial!

No you stupid dumb a$$, this is illegal.

I also told by a black co-worker of mine that this is pretty common in the NFL, especially the black athelets. If this is the tip of an iceberg, I hope they track them all down. Black or white.
Reverse racism is worse than racism itself...

Agreed and that is why this pisses me off!

syscom3 said:
I dont give a f*** on whether the accused is white/black/brown/yellow/purple or whatever.

Anyone who mistreats animals is a scum as bad or even worse than a child molester.

And I will also tell it to the face of those "black folks" who are rallying around Vick..."he is innocent untill proven guilty. He is also a representative of the NFL and has to watch his actions".

Deradler.... in that homicide blog I posted, you should read some of the comments people leave about the victims. Some of them are written so poorly, its self explanatory that they live in a failed school district.

Agreed as well 99 percent! I think you hit it right on the nail! The only part I dont agree with is that they are worse than child molesters. I would agree that they are just as bad and that is because I love animals so much but not worse than child molesters.

You know what I mean and I am sure you mean basically the same as I do sys. :lol:

Thorlifter said:
Adler, I agree this is BS. Notice the guy doesn't mention that one of Vick's co-defendants has been singing like a canary to prosecutors. He said that Vick has funded the dogs, the kennels, the transportation, and backed the bets. But NOOOOOOOOO. This is racial!

No you stupid dumb a$$, this is illegal.

I also told by a black co-worker of mine that this is pretty common in the NFL, especially the black athelets. If this is the tip of an iceberg, I hope they track them all down. Black or white.

Agreed with you as well. It really strikes a nerve of mine.

One of my co workers who happens to be black asked me what I felt about this situation.

I told her that I believe in innocent until proven guilty but based off of the evidence so far if he is guilty I hope he gets the max penelty and never plays a game of football in his life.

She started to try and explain to me that in the south where she comes from it is a way of life among her people and it is part of her culture.

I told her that was no excuse and I dont give a damn. It is wrong what he and his codefendants did and he deserves to be treated as the animals were.

I mean come on have you read the charges? In one case they described how they took a dog that lost the fight and was not killed in the process and hung it up, wetting it down and then electrocuting it to death! That is ****ing terrible!
Ok....please elaborate!

Animal abuse and child molesters are NOT the same, and to think dogfighting is worse is borderline offensive. Don't get me wrong, the people who do both are pieces of sh*t, but it's not nearly on the same scale. Even though we're animals ourselves humans are more important than dogs (but I'd still prefer a dog's company to most people).

Can one person here say if someone raped their little sister they wouldn't be as pissed as if they killed their dog?
Can one person here say if someone raped their little sister they wouldn't be as pissed as if they killed their dog?

Yes. Me.

Now let me explain. I have lived through someone molesting my daughter. I am also the person who will swerve across the road to dodge a squirrel / turtle / etc. I love animals. I can't own one because I get so attached to them it tears me up to lose them.

But your example is not the same thing. I think I get your meaning and your point.....but taken in context, it's not the same.

TOTALLY agree with Flyboy. Vick is a scumbag.
Yes. Me.

Now let me explain. I have lived through someone molesting my daughter. I am also the person who will swerve across the road to dodge a squirrel / turtle / etc. I love animals. I can't own one because I get so attached to them it tears me up to lose them.

But your example is not the same thing. I think I get your meaning and your point.....but taken in context, it's not the same.

TOTALLY agree with Flyboy. Vick is a scumbag.

How is that an explanation? I love animals too, but Jesus Christ... if you think dogfighting is worse than child molesting you've got some VERY serious mental issues at the least. Animals are NOT the same as people.

Do you think your daughter would agree with you?
How is that an explanation? I love animals too, but Jesus Christ... if you think dogfighting is worse than child molesting you've got some VERY serious mental issues at the least. Animals are NOT the same as people.

Do you think your daughter would agree with you?

You seem to have some mental issues making a mountain out of a molehill.

And the reason I am more upset about it is, animals cannot speak and let people know whats happening to them.
You seem to have some mental issues making a mountain out of a molehill.

And the reason I am more upset about it is, animals cannot speak and let people know whats happening to them.

I'm not the one who brought up the subject of child molesting being WORSE than dogfighting.

I'm not defending dogfighting in the least bit either, what I am saying is that it's not even on the same charts as abusing children.
I have watched this case from the very beginning. Remember, Va. Beach, VA
is less that fifty miles from Surry County where all this crap started. The
accusations, the small bit of evidence (at the start) was all dumped into
Gerald Poindexter's lap. He refused to investigate, and when a search
warrant was obtained, he failed to execute it. Poindexter, who is black,
said he didn't like the language of the search warrant, which is why he
sat on it.

Then the feds got into it because accusations of interstate transportation of
dogs was brought up. Even after the feds dug up half of the "Bad Newz
Kennels" property, finding the remains of some 18 dogs, plus all the stuff
confiscated from the property that indicated dog fighting (arenas,
scales, etc) Poindexter still would not bring local or state charges
against Michael Vick. Now one of his co-defendants has made arrange-
ment to cop a plea.... singing his heart out. He sez Vick funded most
of the operation, Vick was present for many of the fights, Vick had a
say in "the disposal" of inferior dogs that would not fight, or the losers.
This guy sez the dogs were shot, drowned, electrocuted and even
slammed to the ground until it was dead. According the the feds,
this is (almost) and open and shut case, especially with the guy who's
copping the plea.

Most the the companies that had Vick as a sponsor have dumped him.
The Falcons have put him on leave. Still there are rallys outside the
Norfolk courthouse by white people who want to condem him and black
people who scream "it's a race thing".

However, I say let the judicial system do it's thing. If he's convicted
he's looking at eight years confinement and a veerrrrry big fine, unless
the feds come up with something even bigger that what they have.

As one whose proffesion is to go after these imbecils and who has prosecuted an NFL player for this a few years ago, I can give an insight as to why it can be on a slight level than molestation.

molestation usually hurts and destroys a few individuals and in a way society as a whole. Dogfighting branches out into numerous other endevours and numerous other crimes. Aside from the cruelty inflicted on the animals, you're dealing with illegal betting, illegal drugs (for animals and others), weapons, gangs, etc. Its much more far reaching than just dogs fighting each other. Its a whole sick culture.

And theres rumours the dogs came from NJ.

And the black/white issue is nonsense. Its just grabbing at straws when you know you have no control over your own culture, you attack another. Songs that put women down, handling fights with bullets, owning vicious dogs cause its cool....its out of control and they none but their own neighbothoods to blame.

Its cr*p! Like another thread here that discussed crime in our cities, they bring this on themselves. Every time a white person is involved with something its downhill for whitey. remember Duke Lacrosse?

I'm sick of it. And I'm not racist. One of the greatest individuals of the 20th century was MLK. But come on!!!! There is so much for minorities, its become a luxury. If something happens, start to blame the crackers and you'll be ok.

I'll stop now. Think I'll go back to college. Anyone know how to contact the United Caucasion College Fund?
Anyone who preys on the helpless, whether animal or human, is worthy of contempt - there are different degrees of these things, but it should not ever be an issue of colour, bad people need bringing under control no matter what...:mad:
Saw all the people outside the Courthouse. Some pro-animal rights, some pro-Mike Vick rights. My first thought was, "Don't any of you clowns have jobs?"

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