Migrant's Miscellany

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Senior Airman
Aug 7, 2008
Calgary AB
I'm a (very) amateur photographer, so feel free to offer any advice.

Close-up of steam train wheel

Reflection of house in Anglesey, Wales (yes, the pic's inverted)

Cosford RAF Museum extension under construction

Mexico Pool


Chipmunk in Joshua Tree national Park, California
Thanks very much for your kind comments, I'm glad you like them. I feel encouraged enough to post some more later.
Great shots, Migrant!!! As an ameture shutterbug myself, I'd say the best advice would be to SHOOT! Go out and play, experiment with settings/lenses/filters, make sure you know your equipment and what each piece is capable of in various situations. You don't need the most expensive setup, you just need to know the limits of what your gear is capable of! That, and train your eye to see the compositions that your average tourist won't/can't see...but from what you've posted so far, you're good there!
Great shots, Migrant!!! As an ameture shutterbug myself, I'd say the best advice would be to SHOOT! Go out and play, experiment with settings/lenses/filters, make sure you know your equipment and what each piece is capable of in various situations. You don't need the most expensive setup, you just need to know the limits of what your gear is capable of! That, and train your eye to see the compositions that your average tourist won't/can't see...but from what you've posted so far, you're good there!
Great shots, Migrant!!! As an ameture shutterbug myself, I'd say the best advice would be to SHOOT! Go out and play, experiment with settings/lenses/filters, make sure you know your equipment and what each piece is capable of in various situations.

Thanks RabidAlien, you've hit the nail on the head; I just don't shoot as often as I should. I find taking pictures is a habit- the more I do, the easier it is. Conversely, if I leave it a while it's harder to get the momentum going again.

Here's a few more.

I've been playing around with still-life/studio-type images:

Building in Paris.

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Excellent! I never really went in for still-life myself, was more of an outdoors guy....pretty good at macro flowers and sunsets. You've got an excellent eye! Yeah, keep that sucker trained, even if you only make yourself go out twice a month and just shoot. I got married, got a digital SLR, and haven't gone out to just blast away and keep the eyeball tuned up since then. Blah.
Excellent! I never really went in for still-life myself, was more of an outdoors guy....pretty good at macro flowers and sunsets. You've got an excellent eye! Yeah, keep that sucker trained, even if you only make yourself go out twice a month and just shoot. I got married, got a digital SLR, and haven't gone out to just blast away and keep the eyeball tuned up since then. Blah.

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