I have a little bit of a mystery here...at least for me, it is!
Over the years, I've been given my family's military articles, medals being among them. Unfortunately, about 10 years ago, a large share of my property was lost and only a small amount of family items remain with me. Such is life.
One of the "survivors" that I have, is a small pin that belonged to my Great Aunt Hanke. A real, genuine "Old World" Prussian noble-woman who saw everything in strict "right and proper" ways. She never spoke much of WWI or WWII, both of which she endured. In the 70's she passed away and I inherited a good number of German military items, this pin being among them.
Like I said, she wasn't forthcoming with much information as to who in the family was involved, and I was young at the time of her passing.
My question would be, what is this pin? It is less than an inch in height, black enamelled Reichsadler over a red cross. This leads me to beleive it was indicating involvement with the International Red Cross, but I haven't found a pin that resembles it.
I'll post pix of the front and back: