Military Aviation Museum in Va Beach VA

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Great pics Dave. And I agree with Grant about the Mossie - seeing- and hearing it - fly is just something else, especially at below tree-top height, fast!
Like Buffnut, I had a few chances to be around, help out, and sit in the sadly lost BAe Mossie TIII, and oh, how we miss that beauty on the UK air show circuit!
Just a darned shame I don't live closer to your facility in VA - you'd never get rid of me !!
Y'know Dave, I get you about the Fw 190 - it's a beautiful bird and I fully understand why its your favourite (favorite); I've seen Flug Werk 190s fly and I've had the privilege of sitting in the cockpit of the world's only surviving two seat '190 at Hendon (I took photos but the film got ruined on the way to New Zealand) and its a real special aircraft, but the Mosquito has no parallel, although a flying Bf 110 will be very cool to see. So we are counting on you for coverage of these things.

Keep those pictures coming Dave. :)
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ok here is some more, now these 3 chicks...comment all you want. I dont have to explain which aircraft is which but they are all awesome. Especially the Lanc.


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enjoy.............. my whole damn museum has mossie madness. Other than that the Luftwaffe hangar is done and we are moving the aircraft down there now. My baby the FW 190 is there now. I just have to upload the photos. I am lazy.


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The Mossie is still here in New Zealand, the air-to-air was one of a series taken by Gavin Conroy whose been a busy boy recently. There's going to be a book and dvd of its restoration and flights in NZ based on the airshow and Gav's photos.
Mr.Yagen gave us a huge speech of his visit to NZ and assured us she will be coming home to us soon. Of course I have been asked to build a model of it so I am trying to gather as many photos as I can of it to get as much detail as I can. Cockpit ones are a bit of a pain but I have some. I am in the middle of building the museums ME 262 but I am putting that to the wayside for "Mossie Madness" as I put it to build this Mosquito and all its markings. I did our PBY and now now I am model man lol. I think I have a picture on here of it.
Here is the PBY which is displayed at the museum and FW 190 D9/N Wrk Nr 210079 we have and I know I put pics on this thread which I built and I wont give up LOL.


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