Millville Wings and Wheels

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The Pop-Tart Whisperer
Feb 19, 2007
I've been waiting for this announcement. Held at an old Army Airfield (I believe first in the country) and has a lot of stuff that goes on for the two days.

Wings Wheels 2007

I've to this several times over the years and I've volunteered at the museum on base with the model displays. Cool show.
Not sure of any guests this year. Blue Angels are scheduled to perform but with recent events I'm not sure. The aircshow coincides with a car show that usually takes up half the field. In addition there is the Museum which highlights the planes and history of the field. First WW2 airfield in the country and used P-47s for flights. A couple years ago they had a few of the Tuskegee airmen there and I was able to speak to some for a few minutes. fascinating!

For the price its a nice dayout.
Just had a look at the a/c that are going to be there, looks like it will be a great show! Make sure you take plenty of pics Njaco!
Millville airshow has always been a pretty decent show. First time I was able to hear what a P-51 truly sounds like in a dive. Awesome.
The car show is a great addition and attracts just about everybody. Reading PA has a WW2 weekend but it was so huge it was hard to check out everything so I stick to Millville.

R2800 - Draw a straight line from Philly to Atlantic City, put your finger in the middle of the line and thats about where I'm at.

Don't have a digital but if I can get some pics on CD when developed I'll post.
Of course, nothing as the ones you have Evan, your plane pics...just no words for it, but I'll try.:D

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