Mirage III

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Wonderful, Clave. And I don't care what anybody says, the French build thier airplanes like their women. Beautiful.

I agree, and people also tend to forget that France, along with Britain and the US were the real founders of aviation - especially Bleriot, who was a genius imho.. 8)
Big update!

Mirage IIICJ of 1 Escuadron Argentine Air Force 1982.

Mirage IIIOA of 75 Squadron RAAF 1987.

Mirage IIIOA of 77 Squadron RAAF 1970.

Mirage IIIC of EC 3/10 French Air Force 1978.

Mirage IIIEZ of 85 Combat Training School South African Air Force 1980.

Mirage IIIEE of ALA 11 Spanish Air Force 1988.

Mirage IIIS of the Swiss Air Force 1989.

Mirage 5AD of the Abu Dhabi Air Force circa 1972.

Mirage 5SDE of the Egyptian Air Force 1975.

Mirage 5SDE of the Egyptian Air Force 1976.

Mirage 5SDE of the Egyptian Air Force 1979.

Mirage 5G2 of the Gabon Air Force 1985.

Mirage 5P of the Peruvian Air Force 1985.

Mirage 5P of the Peruvian Air Force 1995.

Mirage 5M of the Zaire Air Force 1977.

Most fighters of this era were short legged so not much you can do about that.

The EE Lightning would have been an obvious choice for Australia but that isnt much in range either.

Excellent work Clave...you going Mirage F1 or 2000?
Our Mirages always had a hard time against F4-Es when on excercise. The Matras were pretty hopeless from memory. They did better if the missile fits were restricted to close range weaponary. The Mirage could generally outmanouver the US Fighter. It just that in a real shooting war the Phantoms are likley to stand off and shoot missiles into the barrel. Under those conditions, the mirage was a bit of a deathtrap.

What time frame u talking about?

The Mirage did have a longer range missile the R530 but its effectiveness is said to be poor.

Basically any long range missile platform can stand off while launching its bvrs. The Mirage is not alone in being vulnerable. If it is Vietnam era then Sparrows were not reliable enough so not the mis match you think.
I saw them on exercise 1978 through to 1983 or so. By then the Australian Mirages were so worn they could perform full power manouvers, which made it hard. Still they refurbished them and sold them to the pakistanis
Working on the calendar now, but I did manage to finish a couple more Mirages

Mirage 5BR of the Belgian Air Force 1990.

Mirage M5M Melkan of Grupo 8 Chilean Air Force 2006.


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