Missing attachments -- post them

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Ok....well this is going to be a bitch to fix.

Apparently when updated forum software to latest version -- it "fixed" a bug by deleting attachments that weren't properly attached to post.......well that's bullshit in my opinion.

I have a backup of the data before transfer, so attachments are not lost. However, to get them to display I have to merge the old database with the new one -- so that's what I have to work on to properly add them.

I just did a manual check and db modification along with recovering one image from that thread. It now shows. So, I know the steps and can confirm they work to recover attachments. Next step automate it -- cause there is a good 50,000+ to recover
I went through the entire thread and all links there work. What attachmernt do you mean Andy?
Yep... and also I can't see the bar with the Give me Bacon! / Likes - Like this post / Dislikes - Dislike this post menu.
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Can't see it anywhere? or just this thread? or just your posts?

I can't see them anywhere for my posts. Airframes seems to have the same problem with his siggy although the bar with the menu can be seen in his posts. And again I can't make the forums read by double clicking.

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