Model Section

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I done my Stuka in like 3 days. Other than that my SM.79 was the quickest, I found that easy. The Ca.311 has tons of glass in it, the sprue for clear parts is huge!
Well I have made a start on me Stringbag but being as my eyesight is so crap I am having to use a pair of +3 bins and a magnifier at the same time.
I'll probably end up with the Torpedo sticking out the arse end three flares as an air screw.


  • tamiya_stringbag_mk1_123.jpg
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The guy whose book I'm reading regarding my own model uses aluminium powder rubbed over silver paint to achive the silver doped look. For the the B29 finish Lanc I have tried silver gilt foil and I think its better, Ill do a spare bit of my Stringbag so you can see what I mean.
The Tamiya Swordfish is a bloody well engineered model but as of yet i'm undecided how to finish it I have made it half the fuslage transparent and half normal which I thought (as I have not seen on the kits web site ) would give 2 prospectives.
If I paint the whole thing in camo all the interior framing and fuel tanks will be un-viewable.
I have had to order The photo etched rigging kit (thats £7.99p extra) as none of the stands at Duxford had any so the build has come to a stand still till it arrives

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