Modern Saudi military

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Jun 10, 2004
Knoxville, TN
Since I'm currently in this S***hole of a country and given the nonsense that is going on in this region, I thought I'd ask you guys this. Recently, in response to ISIS movement around Syria, Saudi sent 30,000 troops to the Northern Saudi/Iraqi border. I have always heard that Saudi is the big dog in the yard and not many people would mess with them.

But here is what I have observed in my 6 months of being here. I know there are exceptions to everything, but these people are the most out of shape and LAZY people I have ever seen. If the United States is the most obese country, then Saudi is number two. Driving past their military bases the equipment looks old and who knows how much of it even works. They hire ex-pats to do EVERYTHING here as it seems physical work is too demeaning for them to do.

So......if ISIS were to cross the Saudi border, just how capable is the Saudi army and air force?
I worked there for over 7 years in the mid-late 70s and early 80s with the RSAF. Sounds like nothing has changed much in over 30 years.
Recall the first gulf war when the Iraqis incursed into that Saudi boarder town, can't recall the name now, but the U.S. let the Saudis take the lead. We nearly lost a few marines due to that bumbling effort. Not sure how it would have turned out had we not been behind them.
Amazing. That Saudi pilot sure didn't wait for 74 people to give him permission to fire like U.S. military people have to get before engaging.

So, If I am to understand what people are saying, basically the Saudi military is about an average force and not really the big mean bully on the playground.

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