I remember reaching into my pocket over there and pulling out several Scottish pounds, thinking "Wow, isn't that interesting?". There was definitely a strong sense of pride evident amongst the English and Scottish I'd met, for their cultural differences. Much like various parts of Canada in that way.
Oh, and the Québec, Scotland, Wales merger would never work. Could you just see a fellow in a kilt and beret, reeking of Drakkar Noir, speaking French with a Gaelic accent? ...Or was that Gaelic with a French accent?
BTW, I'll say this for Québecers. They're not cowardly in a fight, and I'm not just saying that for Maestro's benefit. No way.
Interesting how they and the French (from France) hate each other so much.
Oh, and the Québec, Scotland, Wales merger would never work. Could you just see a fellow in a kilt and beret, reeking of Drakkar Noir, speaking French with a Gaelic accent? ...Or was that Gaelic with a French accent?
BTW, I'll say this for Québecers. They're not cowardly in a fight, and I'm not just saying that for Maestro's benefit. No way.
Interesting how they and the French (from France) hate each other so much.