Montréal lose the Shriners' Hospital to London, Ontario.

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It's been done. The Armed Forces were there to help after the flooding in the Saguenay region and after the huge ice storms, in the '90's. They were also there to quell the Oka uprising (if you could really call it that. ) in 1990.
But let's not forget the FLQ crisis in 1970.
Oh, to have a prime minister with guts again!

And believe me, the government in Ottawa is loved enough by the BQ. More money gets thrown into Québec than just about anywhere else.

(God, I`ve been using the roly-eyed smiley an awful lot lately. )

Oh, I remember the FLQ crisis, Trudeau didn't mess around! No I think it really has to be on a cataclysmic scale where their whole lifestyle is severely altered for awhile! Then you'll see how quick the tune changes!

I think those jerk-offs don't realize how good they really have it being part of Canada. They act as if they are being severely persecuted within their own Province, I could never understand it. Some of the PQ people I met when I lived in Montreal seemed highly educated, but truly believed their own BS. As my dad used to say "So smart but yet so stupid."
Well, in fact it was almost that. The two principal separatist regions are the French part of Montréal (Ice Storm) and the Saguenay/Lac St-Jean (Floodings). And it didn't really changed anything. I think it's because Canadian Army is being seen as a bunch of guys who are only there to help. Some soldiers even forgot their primary role : TO FIGHT.

That's why the smartest guys/gals go away and never returns, while the jerks stay here.

As soon as I get my "full" driver's licence (hopefully in February (I'm still on the probationary one)), I'll write a bunch of job request letters. I'll send some in US and the rest in other provinces. I will get out of here one way or an other... The only questions are how and where.

Before you ask me why the f*ck I'm waiting for my "full" licence, well, it's because it's easier to exchange a "full" driver's licence for an other one than a probationary one.

Well Maestro, I totally understand, If you need any help, let us know! I met many people who felt like you when I was there and eventually they left as well. It's a shame, there is so much potential there, but yet a few ignorants are driving the province straight to hell!
And unfortunately the rest of the country right along with it. So many resources have been squandered over the years trying to essentially bribe Québec into staying with Canada. I don't mean any disrespect by that Maestro (Hell, Nova Scotia ain't exactly self-sufficient. ), and I know full well that not every Québecer is a separatist or anything, it's just that the PQ and later on the BQ have had the federal government wrapped around their fingers for decades. They're not fools you know. They know exactly how to play Ottawa. Hell, they're in Ottawa!
The only prime minister who even remotely stood up to them was Pierre Trudeau, and all he ever really managed to do was to stop the FLQ terrorists. René Lévesque was just too charming. He knew how to play on the basic frustrations that French Québecers had had since Confederation.

I will admit to this though. Lévesque's actions did see to true equality and recognition for French-Canadians. There's no denying that. But unfortunately, that wasn't enough for him.

Thanks for the offer. But honestly, I doupt I will ever find a job in the US. Of corse I'll try, but I doupt I will succeed.

Most employers (especially in my kind of work) don't want to bother with immigration process. And I never went to University, so...

Hopefully, I wish to find a job within a Police Department (no matter in US or Canada). If I fail there, I'll try as a Federal Correctionnal Officer. And if I fail there... Well... Damnit ! I'll become a mercenary.
Well, I can't say that I blame you. A lot of people feel that way these days, and justifiably so I think. The day will come again soon when we're really needed, only by then it'll be too late. You can't just build an effective force overnight. It takes time, training, experience, and money.

In fact, we're really needed today more than ever. The post 9/11 world requires us to do our part, but a certain ex-prime minister didn't quite see the need to build us up or to improve our capabilities. He saw to just the opposite, actually. Will Mr. Martin do the right thing? (If he's around long enough.)
I guess that all depends on a lot of things, not the least of which is Stephen Harper and the Alliance. And of course...the Bloc!

Oh, the joys of a minority government.
Let's hope Harper will win next elections. That's the lone one who could do something for the Army. Unfortunatelly, Québec will still vote for the Bloc and Ontario will still vote for Liberals. Other provinces don't have enough power to affect something. So our Liberal mafiosis will still rule the country.

Philosophical question # 15648 : Can a country that we already know the election results be called a democracy ?
Do you realize how long it's been since we've had a Nova Scotian prime minister?
That's just what we need! We already have a Newfoundlander as the Chief of the Defence Staff. We'd rule the world in no time!

Nonskimmer said:
Do you realize how long it's been since we've had a Nova Scotian prime minister?
That's just what we need! We already have a Newfoundlander as the Chief of the Defence Staff. We'd rule the world in no time!

I'll send your first question back :

With what ? Our sinking subs, our rusty F-18s, our cheap tanks or our falling Seakings ?
Erm, Canada...we need your help, Britain is a tad over-stretched at the moment. I know we've asked in both World Wars but we need your help now too...*looking at your equipment* it's alright we'll ask someone else.

But seriously, Britain is extremely overstretched. Dumb politicians.
Maestro said:
With what ? Our sinking subs, our rusty F-18s, our cheap tanks or our falling Seakings ?
I hate to say it, but you're right on almost every count.
The Leopard tanks aren't exactly junk though, just old. Same with the F-18's. Those are the biggest problems right there: We wait too long to update or replace equipment, and we don't have enough of it. Even the Sea Kings were a great helicopter in their day. They're still a useful design, good for SAR, but they're not so great for ASW anymore and the examples that we have are far beyond their expected service life. Chrétien again.
Martin has at least committed to new helos for the ships with the Cyclones, but the first delivery isn't due until 2008. Why so long? Who the hell knows.
Supposedly the Army is to get newer Leopard tanks, although when is any body's guess. The CF-18's are finally due for replacement in 2017.

But what we desperately need as well is a heavy airlift capability which we sorely lack! We have no way to move heavy equipment or massed troops on our own at the moment, and usually pay the Americans to do it for us. Pride in the service?
The Navy is earmarked for new heavy transport ships, but I'll believe that when I see it. I doubt I'll still be in by then.
The problem with the Canadian Army is that they buy used equipment. They bought used subs from Britain (they were about to dump them), used jeeps from Italians (Do you beleive it ? ITALIAN CRAP !). All we need now is used French machine guns.

"For sale ! For sale ! French machine guns, never used, dropped only once."

Not all of our crap is used. But which jeeps are you talking about? The Iltis was German and brand new, and those G-Wagons are new as well. They're Austrian. The Iltis wasn't always used correctly by the Army. It's not an armoured vehicle, it's a light jeep. It's not supposed to provide too much protection. As for the G-Wagon, I don't think it's crap necessarily. If you're thinking of that incident in Afghanistan where the boys ran over a landmine in one, that doesn't make the vehicle crap. Again, it's a jeep. Don't get too caught up in the media hype. To them, any time someone gets killed in the field it's due to sh*tty equipment or lack of training.
That's not usually the case.
Well, I always thought they were Italians.

But anyway, who can trust a war vehicle built by Italians ? Don't forget that the Italian Army was always considered like a crappy army. A few years ago, even Canadian soldiers laughed at them.
Never saw these did you Maestro All styate Italian superiority


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Maestro said:
"Italians do it better"... the "it" isn't specified, so it could be anything...

Cooking ?
Picking up girls ?
Corrupting Canadian ministers ?

Anything !

Opening up resturants on the north end of Rue Lawrenace

Oh wait - those are the Greeks!

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