Mosquito Rollout 13 Oct 2024

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1st Lieutenant
May 30, 2011
Cape Canaveral
At the Dehaviland Museum. Looks like an FBVI.

Screenshot 2024-10-15 at 16-55-35 Mosquito Roll Out 13 October 2024. - YouTube.png
Screenshot 2024-10-15 at 16-56-14 Mosquito Roll Out 13 October 2024. - YouTube.png

FB VI was by far the most produced type, accounting for about 30% of the total.
That is what I would have guessed. I even recall reading of FB VI being used as escorts for daylight raids by Lancs on the Cherborg area after 6 Jun 1944. Admittedly, the Luftwaffe had its hands full over both France and Germany at that time, so interception by German fighters was pretty unlikely. But I have never heard of Mossies being used as escorts for daylight raids other than that time. An FB VI one on one against an FW-190 had little hope of surviving unless they bounced the German or were far enough away to outrun him. Now, two FB VI against a lone FW-190 was a different story, assuming they were well flown.

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