Mosquito B Mark IV Series 1, W4072, on the ground at the De Havilland Aircraft Company's aerodrome at Hatfield, Hertfordshire. W4072 served with No. 105 Squadron RAF as 'GB-D and flew the first Mosquito bombing raid to Germany on 31 May 1942.
Mosquito B Mark IV Series 2, DZ313, in flight shortly before delivery to No. 105 Squadron RAF at Horsham St Faith, Norfolk
Daylight raid by 20 Mosquito B Mark IVs of Nos. 105 and 139 Squadrons RAF on the German naval stores depot and marshalling yard near Rennes, France. A Mosquito flies over the target area at low-level as bombs burst on the store sheds below.
Wing Commander H I Edwards VC (left), leader of the Mosquito B Mark IVs of Nos. 105 and 139 Squadrons RAF on the raid, and his navigator before taking off from Marham, Norfolk to take part in Operation OYSTER, the daylight attack on the Philips radio and valve works at Eindhoven, Holland, Dec 6 1942.
Ground crews at Marham, Norfolk prepare Mosquito B Mark IV, DK336, of No. 105 Squadron RAF for the raid.
Mosquito B Mark IV of No. 105 Squadron RAF taking off for Eindhoven from Marham, Norfolk.
Mosquito B Mark IV Series 2, DK338, in flight after completion. DK338 served with No. 105 Squadron RAF as 'GB-O', and took part in the successful low-level raid on the Phillips radio factory at Eindhoven, Holland.
DK338 banking away from the camera to show the camera ports in the forward section.