I would like your help about the JU88 nf speed.The books i posses (Wings of the Luftwaffe,ju88in action,fighters of the luftwaffe,German Night Fighter Aces,...) and the internet readings give me various and controversial informations What i know
Ju88R2 engines BMW801D 1700hp ~580km/h (even with the useless ventral gondola,)
Ju88G1 engines BMW801D 1700hp ~550km/h( gondola removed at last but heavier and with bigger tail surfaces)
Ju88G6 Engines Jumo 213A 1750hp Reports of MW50 use found only in this site Then 2100hp with MW50
Speed (ju88 in action vol2)~ 580km/h with full night equipment
(Wigs of the Luftwaffe by Eric Brown ) Claimed 644km/h at 9145m in a g6 after the war in enland .He was alone in the cocpit and he dont say anything about radar antennas BUT it was certainly without mw50 because in another chapet says that they did not have MW50 or GM1 in enland during the test of captured german aircrafts.
General internet sources give maximum speed ~560-580km/h
In this site i read from the expert Mr Erich speeds in the area of 425m/h (~685km/h!!!) in operations and cruising speeds of 350mph(~555km/h)
JU388J only achieved 580 km/h with BMW801TJ 1800hp high altityde engines (with low drag canopy but the ju 188 wings) I am confused. Could anyone help or suggest a source with recent informations?
By the way some others questions1) The use of Berlin Radar with its cup was expected to fully eliminate the drag penalty (~50km/h)?
2) If G6 was capable of such high speeds why was not used in Mosquito chasing by removiing the radar,transfering the guns in the nose ,remove the gun gondola,the Mg131, the Schrage Music guns,limiting the crew to 2,armor removed,and generally stripe the airframe? It would be of similar performance to BF106G10 and with much longer range
3)Why 2 very similar aircrafts Ju88G,Ju388j were in development the same time? Wouldnt more logical to introduce some of the improvements of 388J(low drag canopy, ju 188 wings) in ju 88g and thus saving resources?
4)Ju88g according to Eric Brown had very extensive cocpit armor (to the point that her weight along the additional electronics offset the additonal horsepowerof the later marks in comparison with ju88a5) but in the reports posted by Mr Erich appears that was not effective against 20mm fire.Was it worth the weight penalty? Wouldnt be better higher agility,rate of climb,and better single engine performance? Mosquito was not that heavily armoured
5)Mr Erich insists that there was noteven projected G7 variant Is it possible that normal G6 airframes were fitted with Jumo 213E Engines? 2050hp but could help against high altitude pathfinders
6)Mr Erich ,if i understood correctly ,the Morgenstern antenna of Fug 220 with its conical cup was useless operationaly?
Thank you in advance