Most Beautiful Aircraft

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Although never in production I like the McDonnel Xp-67 Bat.I don't have a pic but maybe someone can post one.
Although I've already professed my love for the Flying Fortress, my favorite medium is the B-25.


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thats a good picture ToughOmbre.

d_bader you have some nice designs listed there.

In the past ive struggled to appreciate the looks of the FW-190 but it looks good in the below painting. Of course ill throw in one of my favourites the Beaufighter, though im not sure its beautiful.


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Wow. I've gone through all 38 pages of this thread, and while I didn't read every single post, I'm surprised no one has mentioned this plane yet. Now, I'm a little biased, as I happen to think the B-17 is a very good looking aircraft to begin with, but I've always thought the Allison powered XB-38 was gorgeous.

Lockheed Vega did a great job IMHO of cowl design. There was only one made, and it didn't last very long, but ya gotta admit, it's a great looking aircraft.

Other favorites of mine:
P-51 Mustang
P-38 Lighting
Supermarine Spitfire
De Havilland Comet
Bf-109 (The F, with the fewest lumps and bumps is my favorite version.)
Boeing 707

There are others, of course. But these leap to mind first.
I agree that the Connie was a real looker. We used to have 2 of them in Camarillo, worked on by a different outfit than the CAF. Sadly, there is only one left, an EC-121 that is being sold. But at least the 121 is not going far. The original Cannie was sold to Switzerland.

It has quite and interesting history, starting in Army service as a C-69:
The Lockheed Constellation - USA

In 1996, while on a business trip to the old 3M plant there, I drove by the Camarillo airport, and saw that unmistakable triple tail. I parked and wandered up to it. Two gentlemen were working on the brake assembly on the Port landing gear. Although wary at first, when I started asked intelligent questions, they relaxed, and eventually allowed me to go inside and check it out. I've got those pictures stashed somewhere in my "Room of Doom" and will try to find them and get them scanned and posted. They said I had missed an engine run-up the day before. Is the one I saw the one that went to Switzerland? I seem to remember later that the Camarillo city council tried to soak the owners for more money, claiming that the Connie was "too heavy for the runway." This in spite of the fact that the Navy had used this very same airport earlier for a Connie base before turning it over to the city. I've heard that since then, the owner, one of the men I met that day, has passed on. Anyone confirm that? They were both very nice to this stranger.
Wow. I've gone through all 38 pages of this thread, and while I didn't read every single post, I'm surprised no one has mentioned this plane yet. Now, I'm a little biased, as I happen to think the B-17 is a very good looking aircraft to begin with,

When I think of bombers and good looking I certainly think of the B-17. She was the best looking bomber in my opinion.
She is a beaut. Aermacchi M-346 (Yak-130). Now there is some real lines on her!


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