Most Beautiful Aircraft

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Awhile ago we were discussing the P-40, how it looked better (IMO) before the redesign of the P-40D (Model 87, due to redesign of Allison engine with new spur gear and higher thrust line) and why the P-40 had the chin radiator. (and w/out it the shark's mouth would be closed)

Well, here's a few P-40 versions w/out the chin radiator:

XP-40 with ventral radiator:



And one of the Best views of the Hawk 81:
Tup I like the looks of the Tomahawk better than the later models with the altered nose. (due to change in Allison design with shorter engine and higher thrust line)


Ah, I see it now (#$*^% shadows!).
I guess I'm kind of the opposite. I actually like the looks of the larger radiator "cowling" of the later versions.
It just seems like it belongs there, to me.

The later nose makes it look more aggressive, kind of like the Bf 109. But I think the early nose was sleeker and more shark like. The canopy and rear fusalage of the later models was a bit sleeker though. (a bit lower profile, and more slope to the wind screen)
Where the hell have you been?

Didnt realise id be missed


Moved out to the back woods, i was working on the pipelines for like 7 months Xraying pipelines, but the Rigs have been more or less inactive around mid Alberta, So i was swamping for a bit, that wasnt cool, So i just started running a service truck changing tires working on Graters, Big Beds, Skidders, wheelers, really heavy duty ****, Making some serious money out in my little boom town

More or less ive been a little occupied for the last year or so

Starting to settle down a bit though
my two cents:

WWI Taube (and a number of other WWI aircraft)
Graf Zeppelin
DeHavilland DH89 Dragon Rapide
B-25 Mitchell (balanced look/proportions)
F7F Tigercat
F9F Panther
F89 Scorpion

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