Most Dangerous Position on a Bomber....?

Whats the most dangerous position on an Allied Bomber during WW2?

  • Nose

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  • Cockpit

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  • Top Turret Gunner

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  • Radio Operator

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  • Waist Gunner(s)

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  • Ball Turret Gunner

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  • Tail Gunner

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could that car help to identify if it was post war?? if someone knew if it was american or not that could tell us if it was for puplicity or a wartime photo......................
I think you've got about the same situation as with the plane. You are more likely being able to say what the car isn't rather that definitely saying what it is.
Well, since my sig started this discussion, I feel a bit obligated to try finish it...

I looked around on some Japanese sites, and it appears that the same pic is used for the cover of the latest Japanese edition of his autobiography. Here it is on the Japanese Amazon site:

Maybe I'll try to get a copy and check the picture credits.
I'm going to laugh when the caption doesn't even mention what's in the background. At best you might get a location and a date. But anyway, it would still be a great book to have.
i think he meant he would look at the picture credits, they sometimes say when the picture was taken/copywrited...........................

and have you had any better ideas??
That's what I mentioned, that a location and date are the best you can hope for. I've already made my suggestion that the plane appears to be a Ki-44 Shoki and I haven't heard anyone offer any better possibilities.
Yes, just to clarify, I hope to resolve the "when was it taken?" issue, not the "what is the plane?" issue :D
Dead Parrot, thanks for sticking around. As has been said before we missed having a voice f rom Japan.

Now can we try to get back to the topic. But stick with Japan a bit. What about being in one of the Patrol bombers say an H6K early in the war. They even tried to bomb Pearl in 1942, but weather foiled it. ;)
Not if you had big sexy all day and night drinking parties with women onboard just to take away teh tediousness... Those things are huge, ya know....

;) :rolleyes:
There used to be. And I loved it so much, I've got every Season on DVD.
When I shut down my PC it says 'Well, I'd love to stay and chat but you're a total bitch'.
Re: Japanese bombers, I reckon any position in most of them would be pretty deadly.

But the H8K would have been a bit safer (and probably one of the very few Japanese planes NOT to be used for kamikaze missions later on). I think it was H8Ks (not H6Ks) that went on the 1942 bombing mission against Hawaii. They did drop their bombs, but cloud obscured the target.
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