Most Dangerous Position on a Bomber....?

Whats the most dangerous position on an Allied Bomber during WW2?

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  • Cockpit

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  • Waist Gunner(s)

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Sorry to go off topic again, but about the plane in my siggy:

The book arrived today, and apparently the picture was taken in September of 1939. It shows Sakai about to go on a flight to test the high altitude, electrically heated flight suit he is wearing.

This means the plane is not a Ki.44 or Ki.84, both army planes anyway and unlikely to be on a navy base. Now that we know the time period, I wonder if it's most likely to be an A5M of some kind? The angle of fuselage looks about right, and it had a fairly fat looking radial in front too.
Dead Parrot, I will look at what I was reading to see if it was an H8K, but I think they came into service latter? I would agree that the flying boats might be safer from the lack of being sent on one way missions, and they were well protected, the H8K that it.

AS for being a partty boat that might be a good idea! They got that big for range. The Seiku, H8K-L could hold 64 troops max, but that was at the expance of range. ;)
I think that front end is TOO big for an A5M. Also, there is no sign of the bump following the open cockpit. I wonder if it's even a single-engined plane.
Dead Parrot, yes you might be right. I read the artical and I have seen it before, but it makes me wounder why other then save wieght and be less complicated they did no make it an amphibian? We mentioned this problum before but why not look into it? :)

As for your party Lanc, if you can find an H8K that is airworthy, then get back to me. As of now there are non, but I have been thinking of what itould take to make a modern replica? ;)
MP-Willow said:
(snip)...but it makes me wounder why other then save wieght and be less complicated they did no make it an amphibian?..(snip)

It was an amphibian though... Do you mean why didn't they make a non-amphibian version?
Flying boat party: Great Idea. But we might need seperate planes to keep the plane fanatics segregated. Say an H8K for the Mossie lovers, and, well, an Ar 196 should be okay for the rest... :mrgreen:
Are there any records of H8K encounters with Allied aircraft? I've read about Allied pilots being very hesitant to take the Emilys on, but does anyone have any stats and/or anecdotes about specific fights?
I have a pic (in a book~no scanner) of an Emily with the inner right engine in flames and other damage on account of being attack by an A-20 or A-26.
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