Most Dangerous Position on a Bomber....? (1 Viewer)

Whats the most dangerous position on an Allied Bomber during WW2?

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  • Radio Operator

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  • Waist Gunner(s)

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  • Ball Turret Gunner

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Les, i dont dogfight in the Il2, god no i mean i usually focus on dogfighting, flying stuff like the FW-190D9 and Bf-109 G-12. I use the 262 occasionally too. That was the first time id tried a ground kill so thats why i used the IL2...
He has three excellent points which all roll into, the Stuka was crap.
Well, the first few months in the West. As soon as the Stuka was discovered not to be invincible (along with the Wehrmacht) in the Battle of Britain it had started to loss its edge.

It did always have something on the Eastern Front though. It was a good plane, if air superiority was gained.
No. The Stuka was crap as a plane, ONLY good if air superiority was there. SO it was crap overall. No John 'Horseface' Kerry in there.
His face is huge. "Hey, John are you upset?" Kerry - "No..." "Then why the long face!?" Buh-zing. 8)
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