Most Dangerous Position on a Bomber....?

Whats the most dangerous position on an Allied Bomber during WW2?

  • Nose

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Cockpit

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Top Turret Gunner

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Radio Operator

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Waist Gunner(s)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Ball Turret Gunner

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Tail Gunner

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

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the lancaster kicks ass said:
that screenhot's from CFS1 i believe?? i have that game and it's not bad but i'm hoping to get either CFS3 or IL2 when i get a computer upgrade...................

Yeah, I'm also hoping to get CFS 3 soon... I think it would run quite well on my 3.0 GHz. I've just added a used GeForce 128 MB 3D video card I bought from one of my friend. Much better than the 64 MB (inboard) video card I had before.
I have a new appreaciation for the bal gunners on the B-24 and B-17. After seeing a mock up of the ball you can feel the smallness and think of being stuck in that for hours at su-zero temps.
lanc, I was thinking a bit, if you get IL2 Im not sure if its gonna work on your computer, It might not have sufficient graphics card and its only windows 98. Remember what happened the first time i tried installing IL2 on my old computer? And we had that updated several times
yeah the graphics are my only concern, but we're getting a completely new machine, XP, 2.6 celeron prosesser, 512MB ram, all the good stuff...............
I would have to say the ball turret gunner. Atleast on the B-17. They were enclosed in this small ball and no where to hide. On top of that all that if the turrets electrical power failed they would be locked in there and then if the landing gear failed to lower they were really screwed if they were trapped in there. All that is hypothetically speaking but I would not like to have been in that turret. Not to say that other bomber crew members were not brave, they all were very brave aviators but you had to have a lot guts to climb into that ball turrett. Imagine enclosed in that glass turret with a Me-109G racing toward your with its armament blazing.

I agree with you there, although I think that in general the tail position was worse, because it was only really American planes that had the ball turret.
DerAdlerIstGeladet: Wellcom to our gloeious Hovel I am glad that you are here. I agree ball was bad, but with the ball it was the flak that was first killer then the figters. As C.C. points the ball was mostly on ASAAF craft. But also the tail was a prime fighter target.

Can you say anything about what you are doing in Iraq?
Thanks for the welcome. I cant talk about what is going on, atleast not on the internet. You will just have to get that from the news. But I am a UH-60L Blackhawk crewchief based out of Tikrit, Iraq.
thanks. I am not looking to compromise missions just to know a little who I am talking with.

Any other thoughts on Bomber positions? We have had some good talks and some bad ones.
Its strange that not one person has voted for the Radio Operator. I know its not the obvious choice or the right one, but you would think that in all the many monthd this poll has been around, at least someone would have voted for it.
I guess getting out of a stricken bomber from that position might be tricky, but then it would depend on the bomber - superb machine as the Lancaster was, it was a nightmare to abandon one - 11% survival rate amongst shot-down crews.
and you're comparing that to what CC?? but he's right, she was a bitch to get out of, almost impossible unless you're the tail gunner or bomb aimer.................
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