Most Dangerous Position on a Bomber....?

Whats the most dangerous position on an Allied Bomber during WW2?

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  • Cockpit

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  • Top Turret Gunner

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  • Radio Operator

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  • Waist Gunner(s)

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  • Ball Turret Gunner

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  • Tail Gunner

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Cheap Laybor nice to hear fro you. Being in the bomb bay at the bombs away call is more a Problum for the B-24 of B-17. But then when over he target most crewman would be at the guns or flying. But I will not be surprised to read about crewman going down with a bomb.
cheddar cheese said:
Yeah but did the crew really sit in the bomb bay for the whole journey?
Thought not...

The question was asked as "What is the most dangerous position on a bomber during the bomb run."

Imagine you're a B-17 (this thread is not just about Lancs you know) flight engineer, and the radio compartment is hit and catches fire. Say you're the only guy who can get there (use your imagination - every other crewman aft of that position is dead or incapacitated - these things happen in war, you know) with a fire extinguisher. You try and slip through the tiny catwalk, but whoops, something catches onto the bomb. With all the straps and laces and what-have-yous on a flightsuit this isn't really implausible. And then bombs away! Not to mention Flight Engineer away.

I wonder if you'd leave a crater.
the lancaster kicks ass said:
I'm stil waiting for people's argumets as to why they think the B-17 was a better bomber than the lancaster................

I think for daylite bombing the B-17 had an edge (though the concept of unescorted bombers was stupid) it was a tough honest plane that did the job it needed to. Better is not really a valid comparision the Lanc did most things better and it had a lot of soul too!
I think the worst place to be in a WWII bomber was inside the plane, I know thats irreverent (my uncle was a waist gunner in a B-17 100th bomb groupe) with the loss rates so high it was incredible that these men had the courage to get into them and fly every mission. Statistics I've heard is that they had more time in combat reletive speaking and worse odds than an infantry man. My hat's off to them.
wmaxt: the riflemen would say that the aircrews are crazy to fly right into and throu the flak and fighters to drop the bombs that through it all again to get home.

Hello all I have been away in Maine on vacation!
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