Most Daring Raid

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Does Dieppe qualifiy here?

Let's think about that......


A complete farce from beginning to end - an awful lot of Canadian lives were lost to 'learn lessons' that could (should?) have been worked through on the planning table.

A 'Daring raid' should enjoy a modicum of success, surely?
Matt308: I think that's a bit of British... like toodle-ooo and cherrio pip-pip !
Talley Ho..... And all that sort of rot ! Sounds Cockney to me !!

BTW did you see where "Miss Moneypenny" (of James Bond) died ?

I get it. Kinda like the US counterpart to "Yo. Yo. Yo. Fo' shizzle, my nizzle." No wonder I didn't get it. It's not the King's English.
"Yo. Yo. Yo. Fo' shizzle, my nizzle."

'pon my soul - what sort of speak is that?

It's not the King's English

er - no; more like 'cut glass - Home Counties'! And we've been ruled by a Queen for some time now!

(Did you guys know that RAF Officers' (and probably the 2 other Services for that matter) uniform buttons and Service Dress hats have a "King's" or "Queen's" crown emblazoned on them? The King's Crown is domed shaped, while the Queen's Crown is more heart shaped. On the change of Monarch, all one's uniform has to be modified.)

Never mind all that - back to the thread. Was the Dam's Mission the most daring raid? No one has yet risen to cross examine..........
Downwind..... you are the cat's pajamas ! You take all this "Brit" ribbing
good-naturedly...... and, to quote a Brit.... "You give it 'em back !"

I love it......

I think the jury's still out on the Dam mission.....

I would say the Dam's Raid is up there among the most daring of the all. A couple of others to consider would be the Amien's Prison Raid, the Copenhagen Gestapo Raid, the raids on the Norsk Hydro Plant in Norway and of course all the others that have been mentioned as well.

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