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Touché pussycat!
Does Dieppe qualifiy here?
I hope you took that in the spirit in which it was given..... in jest.
Absolutely..............Old Man!
Toodle pip!
comiso90, different raid M8. The 'Cockleshell' raid was in Europe. Similar but not the same.
I've been called worse. "Old Man", I'm getting use to.... It can be taken
as a compliment. They do call the CO of a ship or station, "The Old Man".
I'll accept it in that spirit....
I think it means may I have an enema pleaseToodle pip. [Mental note to look that one up]
I say! No need for that sort of talk.I think it means may I have an enema please
"Yo. Yo. Yo. Fo' shizzle, my nizzle."
It's not the King's English