michael rauls
Tech Sergeant
- 1,679
- Jul 15, 2016
Ok brother, and I mean that, im not being sarcastic. Wanted to just moove on but don't like to be made out to a jerk when i dont think i was. At least that was not my intention to come off that way. You say of my contention that th p51 had only accounted for a minority of kills up to that point( that point being February44) as if it were written in stone but you left out the part, i think 1 or 2 posts later after someone challenged this is that i said I was more than receptive to seeing info that showed this to be inacurate. Then you say my comment produced a persnickery response( love that word by the way) and I should grow a thicker skin. Well it wasn't you persnickety response or the one choice word contained therin, or the basically" you pullin stuff outa your @" accusations made by a few others that ruffled my feathers. I can let that kinda stuff roll off my back. It was having that happen and then having someone call it cordial. I must admit that did kinda rub me the wron way. Kinda like when someone cuts me off when I'm driving I just shrug it off but when someone cuts me off, almost crashes into me, and then stars waving there arms at as if I had done something wrong, ok now I'm not so happy. Not a perfect analagy but you get the point. You say that much of what i was arguing has been debunked. Well i was only arguing 2 things although i repeatedly asked for evidence to the contrary and said I would recosider both of my points if someone provided it so i don't know if you can even call that arguing. There were a couple people who seemed to be hearing me saying things i wasnt saying at all and yes that was frustrating I must addmit. No one ever gave stats showing either of my two points was wrong by the way 1: that the p51 had only accounted for a minority of kills by February44 and 2: that it was not the only fighter to have the capability to make it to Berlin and back i spring44. If someone did i missed it and if you can point me back to that now or if someone wants to provide that evidence now I will eagerly admit I was mistaken and change my mind. As for my writing style, yes you have a point. I just now figured our how to make paragraphs here( I'm new here and not exactly a technology genius) and I know I have a tendency towards run on sentences. Just how my brain works. I think of alot of ancillary things as i write. I'll try to be better about that. Finally you say you won't read my posts anymore. I really hope thats not the case but thats up to you. And last but not least i must admit to becoming a little frustrated because, it seamed to me at least, that some kept getting the impression I was arguing thing that i wasn't while at the same time not giving the info to refute the 2 points i was making that i repeatedly said I was not resistant to seeing. Again maybe someone did and I just missed that post and if that's the case i apologize for that. In closing i hope you do read this post and i hope there are no hard feelings. There certainly are not on my part. I love this site and certainly didn't come here to make enemies. I respect others views but that particular situation was frustrating and if I came off as that I don't I certainly apologize for that. That was not my intention. Looking forward to learning alot here and maybe theres even a few little tidbits I can share. As Biff would say......... CheersSpeaking of letting things slide, perhaps, as an example, posting things like, and I quote:
as if this were etched in stone and the issue settled with no further debate necessary elicited a rather persnickety response on my part. If this ruffled your feathers I'd grow a thicker skin. Although I will refrain from being a d!ck from now on.
Much of what you've been posting has been refuted (even before you got here actually) but such pronouncements keep coming. I must confess, I've tried to keep up with your myriad posts but I've stopped because:
A). Much of what you're arguing I've already seen debunked here.
B). There's a key on the right side of your keyboard, it is marked "Enter", try using that a few times between sentences to make your points a bit more readable please.
There may actually be valid arguments/info in your posts but solid walls of text are headache inducing and I will not slog through them.
Also if you're honestly willing to set aside preconceived notions and LISTEN to what some are saying here I'll help in any way possible. My suggestion is to start with reading whatever drgondog suggests if you want the scoop on these issues. Between him and Parsifal's (among others) suggested readings, you can find out what you really "know" and don't know.
That's about as cordial as I can get.
Bowing out now to let cooler and more knowledgeable heads prevail.