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Staff Sergeant
Feb 23, 2005
Which aircraft achieved a popular reputation that far exceeded their actual performance or capability?

Gentlemen, let the mud slinging begin.
Well of course his 1947 F4U-5 totally outclassed the P-51D he was facing. Just because the F4U Corsair was a truely great plane does not make the P-51 "over-rated".

I'd probably have to say the Zero was the most over-rated plane of WWII. It had a few strengths but once it was a known quantity it was defeated even by early war contemporaries such as the F4F Wildcat.
I'd say Spitfire. From the BoB onwards, popular history treats it like the ONLY RAF fighter. This of course, totally discounts the contributions made by planes like the Hurricane, Typhoon and Mossie, which all served in the same thetres and roles as the Spit, but hardly seem to get a mention, despite all having thier own advantages over the Spit.

I think the earlier F4U were superior as well, but I do agree the Zero has gotten a lot of attention for no real reason!
I would say the Zero as well. Because of misconceptions about Japanese capabilities, it had an air of invincibility early in the war. It didn't take long to figure out that it was pretty vulnerable. The only armor on the Zero was a small plate behind the pilot. And that armor was pretty weak. I once heard Steve Barber say that the glass directly ahead of the pilot (which by the way is bullet-proof on the Hellcat) wouldn't stop a mosquito (the bug, not the airplan, guys!) at high speed.
mosquitoman said:
I'll agree with that, but the Spit was active in all theatres in large numbers

Granted, but it was outnumbered 2 to 1 in the BoB by Hurris alone. I'll dig up some stats, but I get the feeling it wasnt the pricipal type in the MTO or NW Europe in terms of numbers deployed, or percentage of squdrons equipped with the type.
I dont think the B17 was overrated. Its limitations were known, and the continual upgrades managed to keep it servicable. I'll grant it is now treated like the only bomber the 8th AF flew, but you could say that about Bomber Command and a certain Avro design... (based, I believe on one of the worst a/c ever to serve with the Command?)

***Lights blue touch paper and retires***
I'll throw my two pence worth into the ring HE 262 unreliable engines prone to flame out, slow throttle up
Stoppage problems with the MK 108 cannons and I believe only 300 saw active service as most where destroyed on the ground.
P-51 - I think the Corsair was superior. Just ask Capt. Fernando Soto of the HAF - He shot down a Mustang During the Soccer War, 1969

He also shot down a couple Corsairs as well.
I will go for the Me-262, too. A damn good (pioneering) plane, yes. But hey, it could never, never, never win the war for the axis or even turn the tide as it can be read in nearly every second book. That´s what I call a overrated plane...

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