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This is awesome news in the century and Thanks for sharing, Adler.
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Musashi is said she cut off the port side anchor during being attacked to take balance.
If the wreck had it, it would not be the Musashi.

That is awesome. RIP I'm glad they are working closely with Japan to make sure it is treated with all respect according to Japanese traditions. I would want nothing less for any American ship.

At the depth it is sitting I dont think it will be open to recreational scuba divers, it takes big corporations or billionaires to get down there. Personally as the son of a sailor I think they should be left alone, there will still be wives children brothers and sisters of the guys who died on that ship alive today.
When I visited Corregidore Island, I saw some of the secondary guns that were removed from this battlewagon to make way for more AAA.

The IJN moved the guns to the island to bolster its defenses.

Of course I had to touch them, and in doing so I touched a piece of history.

Excellent appearances of the HMAS Canberra and her class, Michael.
The Pacific is so large that aged ships must be renewed to larger ones.
Wise decision.

Payload option for the Izumo is said V-22 Osprey and F-35 Lightning beside current SH-60 Seahawk though some constitutional change is said necessary to load the fighter. If Abe was not so rough and pushy about promoting his defense policy, it would be possible.
Just my opinion
Our government is very touchy about referring to these ships as carriers. The reason escapes me. We will only operate a fleet of rotary wing a/c at this stage, but the design is clearly designed to accomodate fixed wings of some description. They are probably best described as a carrier design, optimised for combined operations of a wide variety

It just escapes me why we have 75 F-35s on order but steadfastly refuse to even consider the carrier based version. I cant give a good reason for that. instead we fritter our slender defence budget building empty airfields allover the country, ready to be used by a future enemy.... we did that in malaya last war, and it helped your forefathers defeat us .....some people never read their history
We havent got any either......still waiting. We are making do with the updated versions of the f-18 doer the moment. There are 8 deployed in northern Iraq at the moment, doing some good work there.

I thought you guys were flying mostly F-15s these days?
at least you have an aerospace industry.....

I witnessed the vast land like a continent with rich resources and hardworking honest people in your country 30 years ago.
Countries in the northern hemisphere grow and decline one after another. Your time will come sooner or later

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