Museum Fire....

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Staff Sergeant
Mar 20, 2020
North Texas
The museum at Tocna Airfield, just outside Prague, CZ., suffered a major fire this morning. Fortunately, it appears that all the aircraft were saved, with little of no damage. I had to sigh with some relief. as the L-10A that Bata owns, was saved. I put in several hundred hours and a lot of right seat time in her when she was owned by my flight surgeon. I started to bring her up out of semi-abandonment storage way back in 1984 or so, and my good friend Matt Wright got interested in her too and completed a good flying restoration over the next 5 years or so. The aircraft was originally built for Bata in 1937, ended up in the RAF and RCAF for the war. She spend some time as an airliner and my doc bought her in the 70's as an interesting warbird/persoanl transport.
That's a relief: I hope nobody died in the fire.

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