Dec 23, 2010 #41 mikewint Captain 8,290 2,080 Feb 17, 2010 Lakeview, AR Njaco, thanks been working on them for years, I had many more but the kids reached the age where they thought Dad's models were toys. then they took several tanks and decided to play war by shooting them with a BB-gun
Njaco, thanks been working on them for years, I had many more but the kids reached the age where they thought Dad's models were toys. then they took several tanks and decided to play war by shooting them with a BB-gun
Dec 23, 2010 #42 Gnomey Globetrotting Surgeon General Staff Mod 71,710 9,229 Nov 28, 2004 London / Southsea / Royal Deeside, UK Nice collection Mike!
Dec 23, 2010 #43 Astaldo711 Airman 64 0 Sep 11, 2009 Clifton, NJ Beautiful both of you! Wish I could do half as well!
Dec 23, 2010 #44 mikewint Captain 8,290 2,080 Feb 17, 2010 Lakeview, AR Gnomy Astaldo, thank you both they do represent a lot of work and a lot of learning most of it from people on this forum. thank you all
Gnomy Astaldo, thank you both they do represent a lot of work and a lot of learning most of it from people on this forum. thank you all
Mar 6, 2011 #46 woljags Staff Sergeant 1,358 8 Dec 28, 2010 maidenhead uk love the work of both of you,i hope my collection turns out just half as good i'd be very happy
Mar 10, 2011 Thread starter #47 scorpio Airman 30 0 Sep 19, 2010 Arad,Romania Thanks for your feedback!