Name this US Navy Plane

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My hat's off to the crew who fought that fire (three hours? Either a stubborn blaze, or inadequate injuries, so I'd go with the stubborn part...although, three hours is enough time for a fire to eat half that has to wonder). As for the passengers, welcome to what our troops volunteer to go through overseas. No phone? Darn. Spam? At least you've got a meal.

Call me a cynical bastard, but the more I hear about this story, the more I just shake my head. And sometimes laugh, but that's only at the voices in my head.
Human Nature, at first you're grateful to be alive and have an oar and a bench to sit on, then after a while you want a barka lounger, wide-screen TV, and lobster
My first thought was I felt for all those old people that couldn't navigate 10 floors of stairs to eat or get some fresh air.

I'm not a cruise ship person. Having traveled most of my professional career and stayed in sterile hotels, the idea of taking a vaction "in a horizontal hotel" sounds like utter hell on the best of days. Not enough booze on a ship the right that wrong.
I love cruises, but the main reason I go is to relax and get away from people. The last thing I really want to do it go on to a confined ship with 3,000 other people. I prefer the smaller ships then the floating cities

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