National Museum of the US Air Force - Virtual Tour !!!

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Senior Airman
I saw this posted by a fellow (bo_nidle) on the Ubi-zoo boards and couldn't readily find that it had been posted here.

National Museum of the U.S. Air Force - Virtual Tour

I haven't had much time to tour it yet as I'm (ahem, cough) in the office right now. But it looks like a nice bit of eye candy.

Loking at the map on the upper right of the screen you choose the dot (link) where you want to go and then stare to your hearts content at the 360 degree goodness....!!
I know folks here have gone this museum in Ohio and and I would love to go myself. Have a good weekend, everybody,
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First I'd seen that usage as well. It would seem odd for the military (or at least the USAF) to use a different term since it is part of history now.

Question for y'all: In the "Southeast Asia War" section there is a helicopter (suspended) with twin rotors marked "US Air Force" and "Rescue". It can be seen from the marks 051 and 052. Shaped like a box with a rounded front end and then twin booms off the back supporting a horizontal tail surface....even has the exhaust ported way out past this tail surface. What is this?

I think I have an older helicopter reference from a second hand book store i'll check; but I thought someone from here may know right off. Its an odd looking bird to be sure.

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