Navigation Arrows in Awkward Location - Delete?

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Just checked on my laptop and started creating a long post with a couple of pics attached. Here how it looks like on my screen. Also it was tested on my phone and no problem with the scrolling using either my finger or the bar slider for that. The slider just is running down or up under the arrows..

Wojtek, you see in your screendump that they overlap the slider, maybe even fully overlapping with certain resolutions. I can imagine that could be a problem for some people. I think David's solution is best. You turn it off when they bother you.
I see. However the overlaping either on the laptop or on the phone really doesn't bother or affect the working. Just the slider is going under the arrows that seem to be deactivated at the moment.
Excellent David. Thank you very much.

I gotta say guys that I'm a bit frustrated with the discussion. When invited to point out issues, I do my best to respond and post things that I actually experience and that, if rectified, would make the experience on this site better for everyone. What I don't expect or want to see are responses that suggest workarounds, tutorials on how to use a mouse, or that what I'm experiencing is not a problem.

I'll continue to point out what I see as issues but if I continue to see this type of response, I'll just shut up and use the workarounds which are pretty intuitive to anyone with a basic understanding of computers.

Sorry for the rant but this has happened a couple of times now and I needed to get it off my chest.

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