Nazi gold train found ?

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I think I would have taken my 10% and hid it before asking if I could have it. I would rather have to worry how to liquidate it than to be screwed out of it completely.

It sounds like they may of found it Hugh?

A Nazi train rumored to be filled with gold, gems, and weapons when it went missing in southwestern Poland during World War II, has been discovered, according to a Polish official.
Poland's national heritage conservation officer Piotr Zuchowski announced that he has seen images captured by ground-penetrating radar which seem to prove the existence of the train and he is "more than 99 percent certain that this train exists."
It's funny, we are almost certain that it exists and the only problem is location. But before even getting into it we already have claims from Jewish organizations(World Jewish Congress), soon there will be from Russia and possibly others. Nobody tires to remember that according to the story, the train was mined, so firstly someone would have to safely disarm all explosives.
I just hope in all that silly excitement that nobody will get hurt, that would be crap if 70 years after the war someone would die in such operation. And it wont end the way that we will do the dirty job and others will enjoy fruits of it.
They may have found a train. Does anyone know what might be on it? German documentation was not exactly kept up to date in the chaos of the dying days of the war, even if it survived. I think some people are getting a little ahead of themselves.
True, as I said, firstly someone has to get to it and than safely disarm all explosive. Than it can be thought what to do with it.

Anyway, according to Minister of Culture its a military train, armored, with cannons. At least thats what he said when I watched his speech in TV.
Round where the train supposedly is, there are quite a few underground works Like Riese . Also on the polish site there are V2 underground factory's. I was there on vacation. In those works one can easily hide a train.

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